e'#.Iffie,,q* I t. * ,tIlt I I * !"fi1Gr00D lIlrLIC [iC'1001, CI.ASS '].CTU]"5 Tirl::t l0V"1i 65 YIA,P"S;iGo. Left to Ri-qiri trrc', are, Ton ilo.'r, Roi'ilarri:cn, lii,l--"i-ie B.isirolr'r':tn, Eroi'rne Ccorge Bacon, Clarx-ie T'horrnson,, I\"ld Cribbs, F"l-oircl Carr j :idrga.r' Bishan, Ber"n Be.l-,'l-, Sai,lor Sr.ritir, Jir:do Be1.l, Sco'tt Iia"rri.son. Sccond Ro:r: ;,,, a -iir-urcrtcee ilr-ni,. iSntr-1tsr",u. i,c0apon, i|ebl_e :ite't'cns, l,nb1c Cerr:, E):r:a Coatess rrannie Hitchcox, I,i-r:nie l{itchcox, Ff-orence iirolv"n, tLil-.a Coatese li*r.a rhcon, l1;rrb3-e Stevens. llhird ?o-..r: i,ouic Hal-l-, tior.a Coat,es, Agnes ijtcver6, I,ti-nrr.ie Gr:;abo1b..r l'.iabl-e Lunle.-:r: Bla.nehe Tho,l:son, . r. 9a;i', l(atie Btal;c: Am'ie Blalle, AErc:; Ca:.'c'r-, Irlorence Care"r;, Jvan rlnd:"cr.r-s, ,jlleir jiorq.in: C:r.rol- Cris-;;i-, ,:?.a;g l]oclrre. [];'ai,ei on gt'cund; .Ioe l,aurence, .,l-::icr :.'f i-r.nciscoe Fb n;ie Lavson, joe i,ic0annon, a:iri Glenn i-traticisco. (i'lanes and,'hoto Cou.::'bes-'r of tit- -iobert Thi;.:psons.) Havc & Real Treat f,sltm$ mmtimmal .& double"duty wax " " flunr ffieatier $!mme-ffiade e{fieiently and thoroughly , " floors, furniture " and woodwsrk! Leaves a tough durable wax coat ihat polishes to a high luster. . dri-cleans economically, Soup Hemburgerl rnd EV 5-0864 208 Eert Elm Sirect McHcnry, illinoir tt* Other Snockr Ph.: EV. 5-26E1 For Orderr To ?a*c & Sap.plT Trkr 8 Oul. to rrc LCe;rt Open l0 A.M. P.rtA- Cloted Tuerdry LOUISE'g SllAGl( SHOP r3e N. Rivc-idr I