E TIIE tsOUTIING .{IJ.JY PIOPRI!]TO.TS OF MCIIE}TRYi County representing Fox River Grove, Car,yr Crystat Lake, Woodstock, Johnsburg, ar:a Llcllenry. i{r. r[/m. King, Secretary of the State orgariization an3 l'r'. 1ene Schmittr viho is Presid.ent cf the Chicai"o Bowling Proprietort s Assocj.ation gave oetailed reports on the recent natior-Lal conveRtlon that was heiC in Riverside, Calif" . Lfr. ,on Jioley of Cary i-s President i , I creation, i ou and Sam Tonasello of 'Johnsburgr King Pin Carl Halek of Fox R.iver Grove and Betty Gund.y of the Parace of the loca1 association, and Lirs. Betty )ende is Secretary. I.eribers are: CatI Sherburn of liloodstock, .Tohn Bretile of Edgetown, Bill Paulis of }rtetro Bow1, Dan Sioley of Cary, Geo. Janecek of Crysta1 3ow1, Joe Kuna of McHenry -Leat l'{elienry. GITAPEL On Chepcl Hit! }trlLt ffi}UruTffiY CtE'B 138 *o.d, I Milc Nor?h of Rouic fi4cHENRY. lLtINOl5 SNOW BALL GOIF SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26th ?e Oqa E 4i/r aa ile *reer, / I FRIDAY, MARCH 17 * Slzrral Sc. ?atar*/'o Dq GORNED BEEF & CABBAGE DINNER $2.00 Facilities available for private club parties, wedding receptions, bowling banquets, etc. ??Ccio Daugfs*ry hrcrtl*o ?/r" b - Gall EUergreen 5-20'{0