5TMI.L:3NTHLY PTCTOI(IAL Nt\ftfllt !-8 &.${ i: IE il tt il 'W'" lr".,e all the various tyPes of Auto Insurance anJ welcome the chance to h"lP you choose th" PolicY tkat Best Fits'Your N"uJs. il EfiRt R" WALSH IilS[IMAilGE AGEilCY 112 E. flmn Street EV. 5{10,*3 ftEcffiemrY 1)5L 1 GLmO{ WATTTES iGlenn i{attlesr well-knofrn }rtcHenrXr busiv nesg rn&n p&ssed eIYBy on l{or:day, l'ebruary e 2i ai Memorial Hospitai in :,toodstock. He owneii and opereted. ihe iiat'i;ies ,rug Store cn lviain Street for m44Y flc&rs I1*sonic services were held Thursdayt lviarch 2 at tire Peter M. Justen & Son L9O2 e i\.ineral Home, w ith interment in \Yood- land Cemetery" pw ldil @wn tween T*wda Sn"p Ktue BffiN pw r4A ?*n SffiAruKtlN STGRE Spatng Se,uttg ?/e*da Sn"p .. . THE FABR.IC CENTER 2 Stores to Serve You Better McHenry, lllinois