I ffi 0uirlrY 0r oun u0nr 6 OUR P]CTORIAL.NEWSLETTER award winrrers and their parents attended" -t'irst pJ-ace wirurer Miss Curran, will now be entered. by the McHenrXr organization in a statewicte contest sponsored 8t$I flMNIHilE by the lllirrois Jaycees. ii1e1tual winner in this competition wiit be presented rryith a $1000 scirolarsiriP' SCTIROEDdR LEAVING NATiIrJTY PAStOlt &MemcfiSt@ ffiww*ffiMc ffi#re*ffi M eeer $e& &# Stf" effiffi fuskYe ?gfu ere, C!6ed l*a*Alr lanrl u Oregon by the congregation and the .Qoa::e af Ameriean ,l,{issions" I have greatiy *nioyed.'my eight yes.re b'ere, and i ,:eeply appreciate the wcnd.erftll cooperat:cn Lha.:l ,i- have received froit the somr*ur:it.v i-r; aLl tliet we have u::.dertaken" ;-* i; i:ci;ed- *ir .-b ti:is sa^nle 'l*(tperatl':n .:,i:i,i #-lse.li$ Fvr;ve'i1, as a qlh.*--r'e!: ancl -,0*t aiwa;'"s work t*geetlrer' l'riy '.',c,nil;l:t.; :*,*t SunrraY here w111 bB APriL 9, at 'n:ri,;tr tiri* tite Confi.rinaiion Claes of, ?2 y*',rlg peopie will be cuvii'lnned. I* i s rvith d.eep regrct and fond' memories that I leave lriativity and Wonder laxe, for i ha-,re been ca11ed as pastor io Si, Andrewts Luthera.r: f,burch in Pcrt- Lmtliss's $rtack $hod .lr* $f nnasa6& Pf;TNllWTtIIffiWffi What's umdeq Yqq het m$ffi coumt".. * { iF * t. E :1; iF t* r I J{ ffifl" ffi;q M-_ iffi il &a * ;:{ -3s ,w When you woni lo Presenl o pretly picture in the Eosler Porodel Becouse, if the hcirstyle beneoth your Eay new bonnet isn't the right style for you ond Your hot, the effect is iost! Usr&r ilov lrorrprrrr Designing lrend-wise shortdos lhot complement chorm-wise Spring chopeoux is our business, ond we love il! PARI( tAffiELf,HE STATION s.X SERVICE Lclolend Prrh.on Routr l2O COO{SUMER'S TRADE STAMPS Comphlc Foroign and Dorncrlic Aulomolivr Strvico .Towing Phono McHonry EV. RANDY SELLEK, Prop" So bring olong your Eqster Bonnel when you visil us for your 'pre-Eoster hoirstyle oppointment. We'll creole o coif thot's o perfeci porl' ner for it, o Perfect "do" for You! ;lla*ai* AearAT Sdlne CIRCLE BUILDING 5-9779 Rorrte l?0-IABlock Errt of Brdgp EiV 54890