"Orchids to%rr" "-i,r-4nl*;'9E' ttts b ,-4r_, ^a W@^"" \-%1* PUBLISHED EVERY TWO WEEKS. ON ,WEDNESDAY Pictoriol Newsletter TEN CE}ITS PER COPY MAY IO, 196I _ VOLUME 5, NUMBER 18 GREETINGS TO luro" "=Motfr* or- d\lotli.n', boy ALL MOTHERS ON HER DAY, MAY I4Th Reprotlttt'tion Rudtlt' Bryttnt I am publishing lhis picture of my wife and daughter, who is now Mrs. Violet Gates, laken many years ago. Arthur J. Stuhlfeier, Publisher ptcroRrAL nevreW - pAsr AND pRESENT All addresses of a'dvertisers are shown with the new assigned addresses.