ECTORiAL-NEwsLerTtR 'fiJNE 27. Tempting anri 'rSi./IL;i;S rNt STYi l,St' PilESlX{T'fD flIESDAY, from Elma })elson, Lois Parenti and l,ind.a Dason. Ad.d.itional assistence comes from Henrietta Yycital rh6 is the buginess end of the kitchen LIusic for the nodels will be furnished^ by Verna Sch.l-ofner at the _plano. A limited. nmber of tickets have been printed. and sales have been excellent. If you have not yet purCtased yorrrst call }lrs. Farenti at ]85-)140. An excellent meal, program anC add.ed. surprises .awaits you for a small donatlon of $].25. .Do plan to attend! tantalizing d.escribes the afternoon plarured. Ior you at tbe Americart Legion home on Tuesday, Jr:ne 27. This is the d.ate of the "Snifes tnr Styles'r show given by the Lad.ies of th- Lake of Mc0ullon !ake. It is the first fashion parade and s&Ied h.mcheon, featurirg clothing by -tiverside Retail Outlet' store which specializes ia high fashion with a low price ta.g. The id.ea originated. with Eve Levesquet who is receiving the finest of helP ]21il; f*Sry 2V *2l5ra ED fE|D.- OrVl3 ooAD Metlonry. lllinoir 37 ll W. iAaple Avqnuo rurrflLG - TErcVAL TlcE tt loElY t,6pgrGE xoo - 3PlAYltlG rmEnsil IIEE S:rmCr FE ru Urrfrrt tcopr, S0odon Wogorr T#xk ti* tr EU ord fndrr P. HilGr, &,!rq $eriu tll lrlcs ol Uahiclm Phone EY. 5{403 mcHenry, lllinois 926 N. Front Street ttr 0trurr tr un rml 6 :0[[ ffsI mIHm ?l 3% Paid 0n Atl SafiUD Dcposib t ltdu6rn rd O*.r 3i..b Frr Ortrr tt SorP hlc [<.r.r*'b r33s N. Riverside tlcHenry State Bank ficHENRY, lLLll{O!3 Sorving'Sincr 19O6. trmber ol LouiSe'S S[lack Shon F.D.|.C.