PEO}IE OPf,RA- k - TO&S BACK Irry viHq{. tt. t LEUA t.Io s[0ru,Et re FIORMICE GNA$GER BENIEA UOLX' eEnrmrffi L'IISQIIELEI IOUISE EUAI{SN lrfiss lnlr trbi ffiffi$Yffiffi YW wffiP[ss ffi&ffieffiffi &#$ BIT"L POE-KEY fiIfif;1[ ?.-}{ O ljft $fiILL Except Sundeys" Clored Rou$E 120, I et I p.m. Block Eart of Bridgo $ffiEfuffiffiffiffi ffi$ffiffiffiffi sHOR.T OR.DERS ,{s@ efu*ut ?}re ti:ffetrye tl:at is attached to li*estock, and periodically tvansmitc a beep souytd to the reeeiver in the farrner's dweliing, tetting him know where his herds nle. Thk idea qught to go well in the vas0 plains end valLeys of .our western states" L{nybe we'}i sto*k this item at fUST#S* TV. You could use it as a husband and children finder. Just tirink of the possibilities; ybu could sneak it in the lin:lng of a coat, and keep 'a pretty good cheek on a person's meanderingfc. We'll inelude this 'gizmo' in our line with television, radio, hi-fi and so on. Ploflp EV,$3757 for proppt and guaranteed serviceS. 9".&*Ae i*vanE!.ng has stqwcd down, oui eornes $i#thtr iidee. This one is an electronic 'gizrno' think that clr:*trc*ic I.IOME BAKEE" HAM SAzuilU'ICF{Es EG&s AT ALL I,,iOURS su&seffiffi&pr[GH ilnsmllfX0f !U eE PIffiR!AL-!ED!I. LE![ER. I$ t2.Gt PEl tErR On lt.l' rcn 6 Dtrrfg. rDDREtst - p.0r lor 6?3 IdEtRl, IIJtrrcIs" t( XE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. a . . . r a . . . . . . . . DX rc....r..... r.n0Um K!...oc......o. cusror w 3413 W.' Elm Street 'C!ff.......r.........II!1ID.....'....... IAKE ISECI OR rcllEr ORDEn PArllL8 NEISI.EI,IE.R PUU I SERS. . ItliHenry, lltinois to