SAND ANO GRAVEL CHANNEL VIEW RANCH zzza !LAC!( NTNTT srniiao MrLL RoAo' woNoER uexe, tuutxots CALL l./ONDER LAK 7O93 PONIES ANg HORSES SADDLE,+IOiSES FOr dtrE TffiffimA$ T${E p. ffi($e&ffim *tcHENnY Pfrt GGf$'? Phoct EV. 545i0O fficllcrrl Dfi:YE GANEFUT t! o" t =d =h =e 9l! !E !a EE Gq -l.E o u# o J' lsl E,!a k H iHt#ig, .bf; E E8 #r co frE a'i gE E-8 E,' lFa 11{ o t f+ $e${gBiEE r$ EIg'BH ce Ld E -t* ilns rl totterso Assccistion 'bo thank for ttre firre new beach srd wa,ter equ:-pment" A 2O-foot pier, a f!.ner diving raf,t:and" board, nerly pai-llted. teetertq: 0N BEAffi The yourlg f,:.te of, the Vil}nge of Mciluiiom "Le.k;e he.:r* the G.d"}om-Knol"1 m'{Pl10i.r&?;'fgfff$ gE .EE Oc 5.o girB?EEI ;E @E t' =G e: e- G af ru G etu J XII I& Ax *rgla*:-i;.s"tion is orrltrr as good oo its xi*tirre membersn and so*-----t{ upe*ia1 me$tiori iuust go to Bitrl ff41* 'brothers-in*lawt o a,nd liis two ter x rO Skeets i,,{orris, Jake Irevesquo axxl itis jeep, Eon Parentir Ed Ha.mnersteixrt +l ': I t'r tneir and. urerrJr-g:o-rolurd or:,wmer joy. will add. 9r o L I <.99 OE BattiEE:t 3i$$AEEEE o.9 9E FC I fr,=, z Bob Ferna;rdez, .iiarl lulurraY, Ole Olsen, Greg Burg and Ed Vfhituey. Iouise Haimerstein supplied bot coffee for the early Sr:udey morning workerg,, Yfotr(ING ;EsfI$EE EEBe*s t# *SEg;5 .cn B:.E E 8 E3 cJ\SLEatr EEEt $i# d*.3eE E; ;,3 ilE'E H =,1 Cl. d J .I EL d.ent, -i\ir. Levesque has been working very hard with his Road Committee headed. by Arthr.u Str:h1feier, Chairmarr, with tYm. .Creutz end. Roger Kinsey, members of the Counj-ttec, to put loca1 streets in the fi-nest conditioa they have ever en"joyed.. The work.;now in progress Ts"i11 be fiuishe d soon .and new road repairs will folIow. Active ln his role of Yillage Presi- ExEaEiig DNUE GAREFUL