$ =ft sMhW As ue remember Him, whbse % birth we celebrate, may the Star that shonq on Bethlehem cast its radiance on aur hcarts and homes at ehis lrolg tfnre. And mag the true meaning of ehristmas, with its rnqny spiritutal blessirgs, &e uifh us m*w qmd in thc cowfing ye*r, {llil i( rt/rl t; Wn*o{**n, p*[/;o;l,"* tt^, a--r(*hr* #.,/, Driu;e Sufefy Stay Aliae May the age-old but Christmas recaqture cvet-new story ol your spirit and in' spire you anew with *Srooor'o 9'rrrtugt y"rffiy4ng' R iSTM R E ET IN G all the ioY' wonder ol Frrnk Polcdne, and the DaY. Ray's Barber Shop RAY PLUCINSKI, Proprietor Butch f** * l7z Blocks East sn South Side of Route 120 rnd Wifr Teilor BrftY - Crew Cut - Flat Tops