I4y d-ear frlends: nf McHenry be held- a candid-ate for the Sheriff County in the comlng electlon to Tuesday, April LO, L962, a.:n I I fold-er as to my background-, record., andvlews of what should- be d-one 1n the Sheriff' have llsted my quaLifications in this Office in the future. One s of my main concerns in the Sherlff's Office tod-ay 1s the lack of und-erstand-lng by this office, of the ever-growing juvenile problem of this county. f intend. to control that problem by creating a Juvenile d.epartment head-ed" by men trained- ln klndless andund-erstand-lng. The present "get tough" policy 1s not the answer. New technlques must be used- to combat the juvenile problem and it ls my intention to create a preventive measure agalnst juvenile crlme. Our church people are waltlng to assist and. I intend. to sollcit their help and" recommend.atlons. the past four years ln ha^nd-Iing Falrily Court, but in my jud.gment he could. use assistance through the Sherlff's Office wlth the a1d- of a Juvenile Department headed by the right man. Our County Jud.ge has been dolng a flne job f lntend to glve you d.ecency, honesty and- a willingness to cooperate intelligently with all of our people. )/ O,r,,,< &^p^r"-,--