COPPER. reTTi.E AP.ITL 2. SEATED I,ETT !O RIGES: TO$Y G&0S0' GEORGE StrtrSON, $RACE iTAGNER SE6T, B0B urs^s hil vrcE ERES.' @[ BOYE Ist YI@ PR,trS. SAAIDI}IG LEF.T f0 RIGET: I3D ETCroAN, ABf i.AU, ARt LA G8.EC,A, SrE@ VACULA, i,B{ TREUND, GUr ,mtrtE IREAS., FtsED CRUTZII&CER, JrU ROBTSO{, AL DEITZ, JOE SULUIVAI{ rRES., F?.{JK EIGGINS .E}ID FRSD ZAI,DIER,. Photograph takm by Art Stnhlfeicr. ],EFT SEO',TS A B'0UP 0F CLUB OF THE TO}IDER IGfiAIiIS XM{BIR.S OF TEE &{'RtsECU.ID SJJOYIi'IG AFT-,:!. ram aREA, JUS! AT IEE ieE1T$G BJBS DTL,],I? iT IH-{f FTCIURED Af Im LEOilAnD OLASII3 L rorrtRl, Rord o. D. lhrrr: Otfio 'ITTED _ IYCS EIANTXCO !t ftFhltr0 l{cHonra' lllinoir l3GI N. R.ichmond Phonr eV sl2,lr62 m,Jl.qe.-. ulErt Lt 't I trrulil: Jcopa, SCcSon WcEeoil t}ranks to 't}re People who donated. eggs, snd. i;he hel;oers rre had for our Easter egg hr.m't. Also a speciaL i;{raay th.a$ks to San NathaJf,soa. Rgger KinseY Chairma:r ti* BILL GLOSSON BLACK DIRT GRAVEL _ FILL LIGHT EXCAVATING CULVERTS AND DRIVEWAYS ond Tru&r P. ffiirlbr, 0wncr llt Scnice ltl lllrs of Uchiclas Phone Ey. - ilrd03 McHsnry, lllinois 926 N. Fronl Slreet E.V 5-271I tt* ?a*t & Sct#14 3405 W. Elm Street :.- 385.0864 GLBall PEgf,SOT - OwltEI McHenry, lllinois The Trend is to Wallpaper, Plrn lhef Spring Rcdccoruting now, frk{ rdvenlego. of our lrerirendour collcction oi patlcrnl rerdy prrted, pre-trimmed, murrlr,l grar clolhe, Senilar, Well-Tex, elc. i . [ntxDf,tBo WEDDlilcS . DrlttEs !r. tr@-om DItrT. IOIJA CUECf,Et EIf,D tttrtiS -.--: Glean Up and Paint Up opc hdctt Z l;I. S 12 P-L . I I for Spring Since color is our businers, we will bc happy to adviro on or malch our quelity htt Elferyren 5-0190 rzl8 If. GnF_prr BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS lo completc your new Spring Decoraling Schemes. If,FrrpI