ru ilk TI'IO DII CHAJ':IIEI iruEW RAtrCB, OF 1?OfDEB OtD COLT II,.II:ING DI}I[ER, AT IAEE" ln the traet. Eer eo-ohalrma be ALua Selem. Lote Parmtf. utIl be ths ohaLtoat for the Br:gry Farade aad the BLb Paratle rrill be ably haafl'oA W Louise l{a:mergtein. Eero ig a rur dorm of just aome of the dlfforot booths aad gamee that T111 be held m thia day. Refieshmt Booth, lltld.te Elephat SaL-, E[sh Porrd, Plsh BsrL, Baskot-Creroe, MiLk Bottle, Dart Gans, Riag Toes, Bal<ory Sa3.e, Wheol Raff3.e, Food Refresleetg and, may other nllL contost gaJoes too o,*ro}, lqjggL_ DOII'T TORGET TO ATTE{D ME}OBIAL DAY SERYICES AT WL]"AGE OF MC gt,I,t0u IAf,E, l[AY ,0. AT 10:]0 a.!il. SHfERAL VIEIIS OF NABES SriD SLTS, fAK}ir0$ tEE E.E. trdAS.S QIIABTEB ECtsSE RAICE, IT IEE YIIJA6E OF XE CIIIJNH I.LEE. Jocpr, Stodon Woeonr ond Truclrr k{x*;x lh Scnict lll lltrs Slreet EU ALTHOFFS cAs sfnvrcE 908 N. Hi* P. ftliilcr, Owncr ol Uahicles McHenry, lllinoir fronl Slrul Phonr EV. 5,120 Phone EV. illrt03 926 N. Fronl (nrlcts ]hct ol ilafio Dirpetddltrdrr