I,.t"- Serl^s From H"lrD;ll 5-0890 Afuaalh Route AeaatT Sataw Ea=r CIRCLF-BUIIfITIG l20-t/tBlock of Brdge EiV LEOttnD OLA"C3 L torrAnl 0. D. _ EVC! EXANTTEO OtffG.'IITCD llrur* ly lggolnlnraf !30:, N. Richmond Rord McHcnry, lllinoir Phonc EY 5-226't I&RE fTCTURE GTJESSIIiG: IEE IIUI'IC IfA$ I1IITE TE SURLY EAIR HTCIIIRED ABO1T8, 1'AEIbt ABOUT ,0 IEAX,S AGO, EAS SPIE{I MATIY YNARS I}I TM SUSNESS TEAT CATERS rO TFe NIEDS OF TE TItrEts. uA}I. lltCl'I*rFE IX IASI ISSUEc mlttsnRy T0 TEU O}TNIS$ OF SOIdE TEA1 TMUGBI Tre RXMAi.fiS IH 1,AST ISSUE lrcU'I,D I,EAD rO A LAE Smg, EAS HoT DEVEITPED. I Ai6 noI IN TEE BASIr 0r SUIBG IffSELFT AS ?EE PTC?URE }IAS TEAS OF ARTEUR J. sruHLrEIER, ptBIJSriEp" 0F TitE prcloRraJ, I.JEIfSLETTER. _ BUIItrtrAGE SAI,E UAY 26Tb. No Matter HOW You Wish To "Put Away" Your tYinter Glothes Ome of these seryices is for you! BOX STORAGEfami.ly's heavy winter garments (fnrs not acceptable in Box Storage). Il.te will clean, store and press for delivery in Fall for only g4.95 plgs Jggular cleaning charges. Insured- up to pAy $250.00 while We furnish the box-you fill it with yoiir tN THE FALL. or more order. iNDIIVIDUA!- WOOL COATS-stored in our vault for o_nly gl.fll cach, plus regular cleanrng charges" PAY tN T!{E FALL. FREE BOX STORAGE-On 925 in storage. clotldag to the boaci:]rouse tr?id.ay afterenrming aIso, thero w'ili le some "ad to accegt it. me thero Thero 'rriIl uot be a be.b sale along with the Rrrmrnge Salo thi6 year duo to tha ms.LL q.;arters, lnsiead ilio wonen of the club bave desided to hold their baho nooa Dcorlt forget to rnark that Cate @ ]lour cal.ordar, ltte the Ladlos of fhe Iako of Nc CulLrrm labtg qnvrual Rrmrege SaIe to bs heLd ta tho beachhotrso, startlng at 10:O0 A.![. to 5:00 P.M. The proceCds fro tlde sale will be glveoc to the Cullmr hoII Buildiag F\tr1d. So pl.oaso oloar out yorrr cLosete and brlng your lN MOTHPROOF BAGS-Wool garments cleaned, sterilized and moth-proofed in moth-proof bags-regular cleaning charges plus cost of bags. (50c long-Bbc s-hort ba5Js). FUR STORAGE-stored on hangers in refrigerated vault with $f00.00 irrsurance _ $5,0--O storage only. Cleaning extra if desired. MAN-MADE FUR TypE COATS-stored onty each. Cleaning g4.b0 to g6.b0 ear:tr. -$2.00 GARA4ENTS CLEANED ONLY _ Garmenls picked up, cleaned,- put on hangers in plastic Dags (no pressing) for only 25c per Ib. (min 4 lbs.)*Professional spotting. WOOLS RAII{BOW CTEAI$EN,S 1304 N. Front Streef Phone 385-0927 FOR PICKUP McHenry, tllinois ealo ln Seltonber,