Y.PJ. @IOB q'ARD FOST llgEEilRf' ff, IOIALrI DAI PI8.ADE, l6m OT Elfrf,, sllf,. rar 6. ur:x@s - L. 10 B. rBArtrs PrcNErt, 1 EIJIER, MR@\ruX, JII rcB SlCIIJAB DOBIT. .AtrD i:. :i:: llhe ladLas of the Ishe held t&sir rn"uBl Brmage Sale Sat. by 6" 1! tha beaohhouse. Ia sptte of ths bad, rsathcr the Rrmge Se.16 ras a huge aucotaa, Aus to the urttrlng effortt of Lordsc &@srsto1n, 0ha'fruaa of tbia gvat .i6 q!1 her .cplendid holpera. lbe lrooaeilr *u tH.a gale r1l.!. be turaEd, oyer to ths Ctnllol &olL Builrrrng tr\rBil. BlnluaoE s^r.Ir st ccEss r[ uc cuuail LA,[E .r. 3te at the bcaoL, ard dlit e apladlil Job. Ec reloouod, r11 of tD, DcOpl.e lneaat eud then rrnt o rtth ths pograu rhloh raa ?th $ilraL xErcBI& DNr sEHgrsE ru rEE T.TIJJ.(E Otr XCSI,IJOI l"f,E. &. D@ hrcati., Pre8. of Cullon r,ol1 a,oted ea X C for tho Imrlal Dey Scrrloe . Ihc IoEETT Aner!.oea Lcdm urohsd, la follroil by tho Yl.aooratr. Frther ,Berq.ellr lrgilgtant Ector of St. ]ArJrtr NOW OPEN ar fo1lrs. 18 HOLE GOTF COURSE DAILY FEE 12.50 Salurdey, Sunday and Holiday: 93.50 Ghapel Hill Country CIub On Chrpel Hill Rd., I Mile Norrh of Rr. l2O McHENRY, tLLtNO|S PHONE 385.9795