SIXTH BIRTHDAY Pictoriol Newsleffier T1'IIS ISSUE STARTS OUR SEVENTH YEAR. THANKS TO OUR MANY LOYAL ADVERTISERS AND SUBSCRTBERS. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PUBLICATION IS TO CREATE A PICTORIAL }JISTORY OF THIS AREA. vEIERISS Or rcnro itAR oF ?m McglhlRy BARBacre #t L, 3be regular nmth].y meetiag I u.s.A. ft ras cleelded et the laet noetlng to a d.oor prlae at eaeh of our meetLage. A doatlo fron each of the meuberb lnesot of LO/ le to bc oolleeted and thl.e rocney to bc ueod for tho il,oor fize. There are I ntuber of otrr mmbers rho are not e}l.gable for a peasla. ralder the lnesat bil1e but rho ere rllllng arrerd, of the MeEary Barraoke #LrL5 of the VeterarE of World Ttar L of the Ir.Si. rag hel,d fhwsday, Setrrt.5 L)@. at,8:00 pJ. at the .Anerieo' Iogio Emo, by to get help for thosc'Veteraas rho are aot ss fortrarate. E&ch Jrear e emall arnbor of orr mbere ilo aot trny aad tbolr dues aad usmberg Soreral aaberg bave brougtrt ia aer reoatly. Iook arom.6 prt of tbo @iety aad, cee lf tlola Srour are a4y Ygte of f,.f,. 1. tbat ahoulil Jotr Eltb meabcrs EEr vss. 1. 1lsat try to ftnd out rlryr tbose nimbens d,o.-aot to bep'thetr nmbergttp tl, the re bve to ob,tai.n ur to bep orr rnmborsbip up, lets to bs good nembers of Barracka #t}t> ff 5nu have aot 1nid. y,our p62 dues, tHl'k lt srer and ead {n a oheok for 88!Fr Prtronizc Our lducrtizcrc Subccrnc tou rla d oftridl *o*tdzetoul from our faciory Trained Staff of Electronic Technichns "#* .. YOUR I{EXT HOUSE GALI ' only $3.00 and Parts al20%o otl 1952) Call 385-4020 and Save now! (This offer expires September 15, TELEVISION SERVICE APPLIANCES AND REPAIR GOUNTY TETEVISIOil /annuaaa aad 3413 West Elm Sireet ApfArut Code 8I5, Phone 3854t20 "WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" McHENRY, ILLINOIS