NAITVTTT LUTEERAII CEIIRCE OF I$qIDEB I"AKE Rer. il. L. fhrmel, Fastor Iforshd-p Serrlccs: 8r0O and I1r0O A.l[' Chwoh Scbool: 9:50 aaa lJ:0O AJ. EoIy Comrul.qB: Elrst'Srnday of each Republtoaa ron@rs grqup rould be to stress the importaooe of wometlts rork and tho Yltal role they play iu the RepubJ.loaa parff of the cotnttrr, state aud natiol, MEI{TAI I{RAI,TE CENIM, IOR MCEENRY OOI'NTT nmth. Choir Rehoarsals: Solsr Cbolr - Thqrsday cetecllim $laasos: Juc1or Catecl$o - ffed. at h:]0 PJ{. Salor Ccteohlo - S&t. at p;00 A..l[. IIIuIIJA DOII:D fi}}ED I,EADM. OF COUNIY G.0.P. wouEs .J. R. tevesque, Cha.truao of the lloHery Comty Cotral 8.epubIloaa Cod.ttee, aaued. Luolllc Dorr(l of Crystel Lrke as UoEar5r Cotutyrg Republloaa Doxrd, rife of theriff bopeftrl, Edlraral DsEd., stated ehe rae god:rg to iliride thc oout5r rrolreBs orgrnizetioa at T:]0 p J{. nqrt c&Bos dtvidecl betreeor mo and wma, aad repreemtod all age groups, rith the greatest armber of pati,mtr botsear 20 and l+0 years oltt. Sevea (l) for treatuent at the Motal Eealth Cmter for MoEmry Couxty , ,ril+ S. TIaukogaa Rd, iloEmryr ia recat reeks-. Th6 SEesateoa nerr lntleats rero ad'nlttod CbaLmmaa. trnti.ats rero referreil to the Ceorter bgr dootors, ! by elergrmr and othors b5r ssolal rgacles, frteodo, or \r the Sntimts thEmselves. Ihoy oa,ne to the l[rs, Marago, Ringwood, Weuosndn rr'il lfmder I.s,ke, Cater flm lIoo<letook, UoEartrr, CarT, 6:rystal lake, Eamard, Islasd. Iab, , lato four prte uslag the tlistrict borudari"ee ae itho elLvlsla 5nLat. In tLie uaan6r, gbe fel.t lt rsuLd bc s@Erhet almplifled beoaugc by rorlrtag with groupe at the beglnntrg they rould aot be too rnrloldy. fhg ikeynote of her re-orgaa5.zetLm. of the oouty+ld.e serrlce rrcrw bolng rcnndered by the Matg.l EeaLth Oater, and the B6ed for laoreased oupport fts,s t;he oorou.ait5r. Ta tlde report ths &treotorg ef the Catsr hopil to emphaelae the HEW TIODERil EQIIIPMENT TRUCKS RADIO DISPATCHED Roddcdrl Gonncrdd .ra Cotntrtly Enelord H.frg tlcHenTy Disposal Seruice 34O:l W. Third Aenrr UTLLIrI DCYIIC3 lltHonry EV. 5 2221