a :ugZar{rol &ul &qf Exccllcnt Food Last week the McHarry Stato Bank malled Christmas Club oheaks to moro thexl Lr00o cl.ub members. fhe total arnons.iLed is tn excess of $1t0r000.00. Each year the club continuos to gror both ia membersldp aJod ia anount savod,. Nattgnxrid.e surreys hsvo ilisclosed. that about t/5 ot tle a:rrorrot saved wllL be. usod. for Chrlstmas shoppj.n6. . Saotbor th wttt bs ccnavertecl to permaneaat sav{rl iags. A good proportion uiItr be used to pay bi3-Is, prt w111 becorce a dovcto papeot oa aD s,uto$obile or a wlthhol.ding ltem. Ihe baLance will be used. for nutrerous other iudlytctual needs. BANKTS Cffi.ISfI&.rS CLUB lCITALS $L5O,OOO,O0 tnt - Coelrfoih FEIDAY, SATUROAY'AND SUIIEAY EVENIIIO FRANZ MITTBROOK ol Orgon Il il, tlrrr 6,crd tiHonry,; llllncir ttt26rt Sa,ru $2.0(} &, w wfrf $ewde eu To acquaint you with COUNTY TV's Prompt Conclusive service this ad is worlh f2.fi) on your next house call. Hang this ad on yor, *, end our service man will be pleased to credit it on your bill. trqrtudous emtrlbutisa to the aatiqrs eoortomsr over the years. A l.arge Ierosr' tage of the uatisals savers necl,e their firet baalCng om.tact through a Christnas C1ub. . In keepi:eg wlth the trcnrd for earl-, ier Chrlstoas shopplag, the aer elub is no$r opao, which esrables the meslers to (Csetinued Sa Iaside Sack Corner) ' the Chrtstres GIub, whioh ortginated tlr 1910, h'on excaeds ovsr a bilLim d.olLars araually. lhe cLub has made a All parts and work guaranteed in writing THIS OFFER. EXPIRES DECEIABER 15, 1962 tlcHEilRY BAIGRY ANd GATERIT{G eoafld. eab*q hda ' . WEDDINGS GOUNTY T.V. SALES AND SERVICE o LODGE PARTY o BANQUETS Furniture and Appliances .WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL" 3413 West Elm Streei o CLUBS WHOLESALE RESTAURAilT MEATS Opcn Sundtyr 7 McHenry, lllinois rm. to'12 P.nilcHonrT GALL 38$0190 Phone 3854@0 t23t N. Grccn