* * HE WHO HAS NO CONSCIENCE HAS NOTHING + ,+ BAllKtS Cm,ISIMAS clUA (Ccmtinued) their ohocks during the oarly prt of Novornber. ft is hoPod that those receiving thoir oheoks wlII cmsid'or the local MoHonry shops for thoir Chrisforas shopplrg. ]thiLe naay of the Lo'oa1 merchaats ao aot havo tho strEce to dLsplay Christmas items as earlY as larger stores, selection in most cases are just as completo. IONG TIIIE RESIDET'IT PASSES AliiAY 0r:r d.eepest s;nnpathy to Roger Kinsey otr, tho d.oath *f his mother !lrs" trrfi6t1e DRIUE GIREFUL laor A Iowr GET OUT FNOM UNDER i WITH fUTONEY.SAVING i,{. Kiasey whc i'ied Su:day Nov" 11 ia the Ealf i:'x.esi Ca:'der sf the Oo:m'aeity Methodist irirr:roh at 2:C0 !.U. F,.:esCay Nov" Ij ln *he Seorge F"* Juste e.lad Sq:" fimoral chape}, wi"t]: i"nterraent Ce.me,*e:'P. Day Lr:.rsi-ag I{cEe, She had. beecr a -x.iiemt there fcr see last thrae moroths. Services were eo::dueted. by tha i.ery' ilJo-t car is- : ii11ifil'?1:** i It*:****"' E?&T Fffiffiffi usffiffi ffieffi F&IRLANE z-MR, in rYeodlarid A BOYT Cmgratulatl^qrs aro in etore for Yeraa ud Jolu SctrLof\rer on the birth of thglr boy, who rrelghed ln at ' fifth child., a'?homag Gloon rras bonn l{crr f lbs ., j oz. t[e Hospital. McHenry [ $ Bby stttiag woalt'be aaY troubLe rith four aistera, Dmna 1r, tttxda 12, :Co1ia 9 asil Jaaet J all eagerly awaitLag to take their tum. DORAY IT,S 6-eyiinder, Standard ?nans. $Ekwm#* 895? ffi#ffiS eG&$ruYffiY Sffiffier4 fi"eyi., Ferdomatic, H,eal Clean Neror befo:"e iras ti:a rvorlcl needsd well iaformod peoplo" Tire lmot'iedg,e of the wrrld is i:I baol;s" B*cks a.re kept i':r Librasies. You oa:r }:elp info:rr* and' ed.ucate yourself, your childrenr your grandclr-itrdrm. by heloiag li[climrry get a first class librarY. uYe need. your d.ollars to build a ne?r Library building and get nore books. Woslt you - Right s.o$ - Rrt a check or LT EltL*.T. ]{E!DS -lCtl+AS ffi E95S ,*_: $ffi&Soo sffiSAru F&R$ C&UffiYffiY 8-Cylinder, Fordomatic $8750' BUSS FORD SALES 39.36 'contributim in the MaiL. AIl contributigns are tax deductlblo. W. Main St. Phone 385-2000