GOUTTY TV TOPIGS by Ed Vertgard TV STUFF EARLY TELEVISION II inventionl.and not many had TV befbre that time. But, did you know that'pr.esident Hoover was teleyised in a speech on April 8, 1g2B? li{YOR SFEaliS AT "raYCII iiiTriR.D Dli,mlm, IdcHanryt s progress srrd developemeot were the theme of I',iayor Dohertyt s addresr to our townls Jayceos. Hori fitting a subject, for one of tho.prime purposes' of the jimicrr Ciramber" rf Conunert: movgMany improvements have been made since first picture patents were issued. Color after a slow start has increased rapidly 1923 when the years. Most of- us think of television as a post-war in the past two m6rt is to be of servico to the commr..rrity, itts d.evelopemont and botterment. The ldayor lauded tho Jayoeest pest coatributions to the co'nmrrnity, mortioning i': particuLer their assieta.nce in this areals surrey and. tho re,eddressing progra.E1c He further expressod a firm desire ii:r; iito o:g,e*:iraLimr *iff""i:;ixiue i*s worth,ri:iIe efforis in h,:hal"f ,*"f tl:.e eomriurrity. ?h+ nor-lhly b:-ist:iie;s meeting htid ar:stiier Because television is comparably a vgry delicate instrument as eompared to- radio, it probably will always need regular maintenance services. Here too, big strides hnve taken place in better servicing instruments. Our equipment at COUNTY TV & Furniture Center is the finest obtainable which enables us to guarantee your complete satisfaction. Phone 385-4020 next time. COUHTY TV & Furmitess,e Cemter 3413 W. Elm Pl"lONE 385lO20 grest in tire !e:";rn cf E'i-*!terd Bayern Seo. R. lustem & Som Fumeral [lome Ambulance EV 5-2400 RESCUI BREATHENG EQUIPTUENT 3519 W. Elm Street "Across from the Bank,, Phone EV 5-2400 Two-Way Radio Dispatched I