lishcd' I rol,utatloa as aa exper$ in d,ovelopirg produotlon teohalques to ie- proyc produet qualtty. Ec serrred in f,aotoqy rnd eagtaaerlqg inspectioa, ras prcrootei to euSlervisor of clectrouecbaaLee,I deaign, and ras nemod. to hie prel oeat poet is 195L ffii'sl'# ',$ff+m ffiewem&:t*,,rc ffiew- ffituffitriB e@mw pe*r' ffiw Mmery wm#wq.*hdB, eMe" d@ ?W ffiffi*e tieetGsy eqsd Ee FnE, rcODr Eenr3r, sac b6ffi e6es& rc* eipient cf the Belbot G. Eartin Awerdt the higbest hoaor baetoted oa enpl"oyeos Eood, d.j.motor ts*t*#, d*E mery en8er ryxsrse of Autonatia Elcotric, Sortblake. si&s hoaored. et thE trlbot 0' He,rtin Awerat BaaqtEet, Deo, I?r at tJee Ei'r*r Faneat Soeentxy Ctrtrb" The erard' ie gnroeented. period"ically for outcts"nAiry oontributj.ons to fJre arb of co$umrnications, aJi* ie narned. in honor of one of, Autome*1e Ele*,*r**s s moe* d.dstS"mguiobe& 5lio;roer eng:5-eee*e. A setiye of H"ehrs"skw, Wcod $oims, Atato* ee*ie Eleetrie 1n "i?S sm* BQGn ee*eb* laboratory, sf tbe Produot Des5.5a n#Pf *. We h**rc e pltup l&# s{E kffi mony ho& * qmk &wfu tu B*rd ffirrgp cf.ffi"' p ecw+ p meery &Mwe ffimwffi Be,B B#, ffiklr m. Wmffisk Me*lcnny S#s@@e l.-}{tl$,'8it }St'$ffi4$ &ffi&. ffi. $acs&ffiffi & Smm Hmmermffi $omme "Aeo'oss 3519 W. Elm Str"eet fror* f['re Bank" &mfumeffimmffiffi Fhoxre ffiV 5-24S& ffiw s-ffi4(}{} ,ffiffisffiq$ffi ffiffiffi&Tffigru& #.Qrutrpffi8ilT Two-E&lay Radlo fuEspatehed