sEnoIEY ,- ?t Aiilfl8le r- ttreYAL "alE FITG'LACE rcG - "TAYIf6 gV $tE 6 ft.c Fl tisfr Aalnry rtDEltot IIEE SENUrcE E aEE E iqlu!8 SOIO fl! W. f."h Arrm ncilcilr, -r$hek kkffi "*eseeffim@ ffiffi_@M 91t6. S{" Fsomd llbe rcgular noathly aeeting of the IcEcnqr EemeoLa #LrL5 of the Yeter3ns of farl6 Ear I of thc 8.$,4" sllI be held $burad,ay evenlng, .Tan, ]r{o 8l@ p.{., at the IaEaary Laerican Leglon Eoa. tsbe offioera f,or 1t5] rere claeted, et thc Dco. 5tb neatir6r Eorard Cair'ns, Couaunand,org Yietor Sowo, Serrior Vi,ee Oomamd,arg Eerol& Owen, Jun:ior Yiee Comandari Rey Hc0ee, Judge 3. dvocete; ffidts@ tnrotse ertd Bill lorctt, ChapLein. InstaLlation of tbe nex offiaere 1111 be hctrd *t tbc Ja,a" neetirg rith Paat Dist{" Couna.edoe Forrcst Je:reea of Foodstoak* *E tJac officer. i roaet beef buffet w*lJ, be ssred. after the n*eting. Xembere are roqlrated tc brlng their ladlss" CerL 0ttoaor,, Quartereaster; Bou Bauer, W$ffiffiffiw#ffiM P!ffi ffiffi" s-Sq.ffiB SSra*$ ffie*&ewy. E6$ilt*ie Yfue Qqsaffi&W wff &ncr ffierk {}ur tsest f,dveltisiag Es Srsbscs6be Stow -$6*gqdfu@#eae ntY.ffi&ffi?'S Bf,HEAV t T lx=r-*lp PAilil( Lrnr, !i ffib W.ot ot *dfrnrv llfi l2O ryrd AUoryroo 5d0!l . . l.rrr r I r.r. Ddlr,"ffi1Y t r.rn tr I