,q. #) }&, AIID }dRS. JCHN ERI?T.EI}T C8 ITEISFMING HIi.J-s GSERVED TTEIR SCth WEDTIiiG Ai.IIiIlrtrSAP.Y Photo b3r Anthony trdarzeno surD,AY, $EPTE&IB!Xi 15, 1963. BACii IN fiOSFITAi, ?th AIII{IVERS.AF.Y PAP.TY REFtts IJCAI,I iTCfuIEN F CR MoHENF.Y TG'N- Alfons (Auto) *eem*, wol} knovrn Mol{enry sasidoat entored licEonry iiospital fcr tl"ie seoond ttme on Sopt. 19th. trluke was admittod on Sept. l}th foLlowlng en onorgcncy trip rosulti.ag frm an aooident that took plaoo on thc Jobg oausing tnJurlos to his foot. Eo was roleaecd from thc hospital and scvoral days }atcr ho found lnfcotlon had set ln neoessitatlng readmisslon. Bcst wishcs SHIP 2OO mcsrborsr for a spoody rcoovcry 0BS ERl,rB TIffi Duket MoDOIAIL'.S IR 45th AI$TI \ERS.AF-Y Jean and llugh l{cDona}d of tho Vil}agc of lrdoOullon lako roocntly oolobratod thclr 45th Y{edding Annlvorsar}r A largc nwtbor of friends aad relatlvos rlroro on hand to pay honor to thosc flno foIks. thc big oolebra.ticn wa.e hold ln thclr buelncss cstablishnent on Mo0uLlom Iake Road. Tl'c offor our slncorc oongratuLatlons to Joan and Eugh and wlsh thcm many morG years of weddod prooinot oormlttaamcn and guests attcndcC tho ?th Anniwraary Party of thc McHenry Townshlp llopubltoan Sonnents Club on Sopt. I7th. Thc affalr was held on thc Anthony Yaroao ostatot Iloborah Lanc, MoHanry' Insplrlng addrossos worc givon hy Mr. Janos Gortor' 12th Distriot Statc Ccntral Corurittooman; Mrs. Audroy Pcak, Natlonal Cqrmittoewonan for Illinois and l{rs. Vlrglnla Kernoy, }st Vioe-Prosidont, Illinoie Fcdoration of Itapublioan )Yoricrr. A handsorre trophy was prcscntod to Mrs. Dorot\r Ml1lcr, prooinot 2, fot having the greatcst numbor of gucsts prosont. Procinots !2 and 15 werc tiod for ?rC plaoo. Also presont wero J'8. Lcvcsguor Ropublioan County Chairzrani John Lioastro, Chaiman of thc McEonry Tonnship 6roup, Judgo .Iaraos Coonoy and Ropresentativo bliss. A.B. licConnell'