cHARAcTER ts ,t ucH EAS!ER KEpT THAN necoVeneo NNOENSOT TAEE SEEUIGE TREE SURGER,Y PLANTTNG REMOYAL rrnepLAcE wooD spRAyrnc Phone Woodrlock 33&2t198; XtcHcnry 39":LZ5I6 ED REID _ ORVIS GOAD - 371I W. Maple Avenue ikHcnry, l[inoir HEAR YE!! COME TO LOUISE'S SfiAGK SHOP 1335 N" R.iverside .f'n i:rtor-olub was plennad for Dundoa for ldareh. l0th, tfura 6:50 at the Evorgraorr. planaing a dinnor for thc lYoodstook Childrcars llomc. Tho olub will provide thc noat. Past Prasidont's l{lght uas approved for; Saturday ovcniag, April 4th, to bc haldi at Le5rrcars trakc Vicw Inn. It w111 bo a l,adiasr Nlght at S7.50 por ooupla. Bob Hyors :ein the Alcxian Eros. tiospl* tal, 1?00 Ii[. Bo1dan Avcnus, Ohicago, recovoring f rcrn surgeyy on a brokcn cartilagc. Quicl.: rec ovcry B oh t KT.fiAi{IS CLiE CF IYOI{DER LAKE AREA ffondor Lato GirI Scout ?roop 49b is , Tas[ ]leme*na& For Sandwiehe Pies PHONE 38$2687 For Take0ut Orderc Soops Jim Ilobison prc$ontad a proersrn on thr &[antally Ilctardad Children's Schcol to the igaren5o Lionts Club. Mo:ntay nigiet p.roratr, Elaroh 23rri, "'Greon Jandlo of fl. -Eop"', which is about folks bohind tho Cb*a Snnarf md Mmdry Iron Currtain. Art has srran5:ed for cl istribution of Kiwanis Bike Safet.r pham;.r1ats to the loaal grada schools.' r{GT *m0ss s[$ils $t. Patr6*k's Day Sakes and Cookies Iho_SlaEtI sf Osr W*s* !s (}rr Eer8 ftdrywt$,slmg McHENRY BAKERY ANd GATERING ea,flzfc efrr.b, Scurice o .WEDDINGS : Ray's Barber Shop flA Elo.&r E.rt o{ Bivcr on Sourh Si& of Rr I2O RAY PLt Cl}lsl(l, Proprielor &r0Gf, Crrr Cut Flef Topa o - - LODGE PARTY BANQUETS o CLUBS We Carry e Full Line of WHOLESALE RESTAURANT MEATS Open Sundays 7 e.m. to 12 p.m. CALL 385{lto 1238 N. Green }IALL ,VTARK GREETING CARDS for All Occosions in the Lotest Designs BROWT{'S ttlEWS and SUI{DRIES McHenry