&[]s " EI"rzaBElti ]{rLLrA};S , 67 , 705 North Contc r S t " , i,icHenr3r, Das sod away in Ho- iianry Hospital, Srionday avoning, !'cb. 24, Shs suffercd a h'nart attaqk in hsr hona flvc days prior to hcr icath. Sha was marrlqd in 1931 to Jerscph A. nilliams ilho survirnos . Cr'rhs r survivors ine ludl thrca dauiiirtors, on€ sistor and fourtacn grandchild ron. Ilrs ' 1\rilliama t sor'r kiohard prcoeded hsr in dcath, a funeral mass was sung at St' liaryis Catholio Churoh with burin.l ln thc church on*.t:ly. _ }IATIYI TY I,I]THffiAT CHURCE Box 15? t 3506 E' rlondor Lakr koad rTondar .Lake, ill. * Phonc 655-585? Pastor W. L. Thlxsncl SUIsAY at 8r0O and 11100 -43[r Tho Sarvi oa . -9;30 ALlt Churoh SohooI. TH'I]IiSIAY at ?:00 i1[: Youth Ehoir rahc ar s al . -8:00. R[: Sanlor Choir rehoarsal. CCCA.CCLA SPC}ISORS CCIiTEST Orgarrist Jrtdi Ann L:chnor, 15, 185 Sorith Routo ]2, !'ox Le.ks, sophoniore at Grant Cocrnunity tiigh School, was tho r.rinner in' the Telantod Tcen Soaroh d is- trict finals heJ-C Satltrday, Fet'rue'ry 29th at Gratt ,J,am-iLiity i{igh School, Fox Lako, as,:6r'riine to Grorga F. Kcchnke, Prcsi- Csnt of the Telcntcd Tcrn Foundrtton whtoh oonduotod thc ccntost with thc Lakc Rcgion Talontcd Tccn CIub. thc Sceroh, sPonsorcd bY tho Coaa- cola Bottllng Coqpany of Chioago, will soloot trinnars in 25 eity and suburban erca oontcsts to ocmpetc at !{r-'Cormiok plaoo in carly sulnm.cr for an all-axpon- so thrca-rryeek tour of Erropo and' other orizss. Ihis winnar f ron tho 'Ecke Rs- ilog;:ls1rict rivill go on to tha finals at Hg0olrliok P1eoa.'In additlorr to thc first placr win- acr., thc following uoa honors as bcst in thair division: L;snqr Tam: Jaais Kcngott, 15, 200 iToostar Lakc, Inglaeidc, 8th Grada, Big Eol1ow Grovc ichool. Don. Stinospring, 14 13'529 ,{orth Bay ?tcw Loac, McHenr1r', Froshmau, XoEanry High Sohool. -: BCIsao. tsAysffi' tr.A?E ERBSi}EiiT KENI{ED.Y Iff1lllerr J. tsolgar, loca} ae::didatc for Drlagatc to thc National Demooratic Soninati-ng Convcntion, was guost spcak- rr at a maoting of ths Boono County .Dornooratis Cratral Uommittac on Fcbrus.ry 30, ?hr naeting nas at ths Court Houeo ia Bolyidrra. Bolgar paiC tribute to tha leto Pres - iCont K;nncdy and nontionad tt'jr:st a fow of ttr* soarm.cnts to his momory.'h 1.. A N{r0tiiAe ?EST BAi'{, I stop back from thc abyss of war and a strp tor:a.rd paaca. Z. Establishad naw prograns for uaqter, EEAL?II. Irrsrcused, by rxecutivs aetionr. tho number of aicitional bcds in Y.A. CCSPITAIS by 2000. Establishcd aid for 1;E[iCAL SCHOOL COIIS TEiJC TI ON. Took giant strido.s toward pass€a of a Tlr]r. CUT BILL. 5. Establishcd the tremcndously suoccssful PEACE C0h-5. 7. Madc great progrcss towarcl pass- agc of a nc.:ningful CI\rIL RIGIiTS BI I,L. B. Establishcd a }IAI{POTTER kETIrAiIII.\G miOcR.AM to help jcbloss lcarn nrw ski11s. 9. Increasod thc MIli$iLDI II\IAGL- 't,o $r'25 Pcr hour', 10. Incroascd S0CIAL SECIIIIITY 8IiiE. FIIS for our scrior citizons. Bolgar then told tht Boono Sounty Dcnoorats, tr'takG ooursgo that you havc choscn the right path anc bring tha Dom- ocratic mcssagc to ovrry horrc in this graat }and.t" 4. q a