J,RRO Dear F'iend; LD FrNE Tel.: Exclusive Agents A*t 385-5900 RIVERSIDE RETAIL Of TLET 1402 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois Of late, praminent members o{ our community haue ordered ptaintings of a dear d.eparted one. The tremend.ous personal satist'action that these people receiued, the thought of perpetuating the memory o{ a d'ear one has been, to them, a.teal and lasting source of comfort. If occured to us that perhaps, you too, may be interested in a painting of a dear departed oneOur staff of talented artists speciolizes in creating a liuing likeness of your loued one from your {auorite photo. Your first reaction may be touched u;ith sadness, but this emotion changes to untold happiness when you reoJize that this person has been restored to you in a life-lihe, magnificent painting created u.tith the utarmth that only liuing color can achieue. You are cordially inuited ta see an inspiring display of paintings at our store. Portraits are as lout as $19.95. 4)7d"*-* So,m ,2 Sinc erely, - Nathanson