I,RS. ROBER? ni1rPJ X, narried , Jwre 20 i::. St. Johnts Ca.tholic Chwch in ilest Frankfort, f11. The bride is the former Geo- rgia The groom is the so:r of },r. and Josenh Varik of i,lcEelr5r. Ltrmne ileagher of i;{est Flanldort. l.rs. :;;F-O PI-}Si., paul yanrla, long band clirector, d.irecting llciler.rlrStage Baad at dedice.tion cererronioe of nefr band shell. IfSIC I;, tine fLDI J. Priurc ;, 3il.D ( IIfr,, iJeEi:P.f, 9:)f& :U-gI . PMTO