HE KNOWS THE WATER BEST WHO HAS WADED THROUGH IT 16 irJashington DC an; "lis-c !e',-1' llysing the nrevious Jrears Queen l:as tl-e winner of the trip to liew Yor'l< 3ii1'. :ach applicant rmrst also pro::iie a :ic+,ure of herself. Watch for Opening Soon McHENRY KART PARK SALES and SERVICE on sl]FPPisll )ApTY A sur"prise anniversary D:.r.+--. ?:?s he I'l f or Bet+,11 an.l Ed tan-1rrs',ein ,Tr . in their horne i_n Coone-r ',re. :tt,sr :n t:'idaY, 14,rch zqLh, rc:<in? -,he c:.::Ies l7th r^redrl'i ng anniversarv. 'tp hcnA to cel-ehrale the latcv oeeasi 9n 1,ra.s A Ilen ani i'aiie 'lcrlin, Re+ty and Larrv '.{urrav, Ca-"hy al, ::_Il_ Sehli-tt, iail an4 r?ich,iohnson:ii lcn snd Lois Parenti. lIso sha:-ins tris Iucky rlg1r, 'hras E4 ts oarent,s :.:e.J ii:l rnni-versary, Lolrise anj E,j j:. o' l'{clullon Lrke. 'lhey nar<ea 39 -.'B?.:s or '+e,l.le.J bI';_ss toqether. A tastv snaek oo sq o'lrr:ig}a"", sa Lai s, relish 1,1.1.'s, eake ani iic,:i.J :-e.'t eshrent vras oniova4 b.r aIL. Compus Bihes and on Fox Kqrts New arld Used Engines from $t29.50 Up... Track Open Friday Nighis 7 to l0 p.m. Safurdays and Sundays I p.m; to l0 p.m. Special Rales on Club and Party Dates Corner of Lincoln and Chapel Hill Road Subscribe Now Phone 385-9736 or 385- .'994 CHARLES STITJ,ING taaten ?hrcto &r PLAN SPRIIIG PTANTING Tbakno FRESH STOCK REMEMBER INOTHER ON HER DAY WITH FLOWERS ?ltc*wry ?haal @ Storc rnd Grrnhourcr, ,llitc Sourh of tcHonry on lllinoit Routc 3l PHONE 38s-0404