A WISE HEAD tylAKES A cLOSE tylOUTH The 0uality of 0ur Work ls Advertising 0ur Best CANDIES COSMETICS TOILET ITEMS PRESCRiPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLEO iRfl,,.IER SIEKS N0l,1T\,qTTOl,T TPrl tSImTqR F0lt COTJNT*f BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green Slreel 385-4S0O HoT CR0SS ffiru'ffiS IilcffiEIlRY BAIEBV Hours: 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Closed Wednesday Open Sundays 7 a.m. to l2 p.rn. STORE NO. I cALL 385-0190 1238 N. Green STORE NO. 2 McHenry Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 6:(X) p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Salurday Closed Wednetday Sunday, T a.m. to 12 noon 4720 Route No. 120 cALL 385-3510 Lakeland Park oublic oo.ice, f can -aithfully anC effeet,ivel]' go about the rirrties of t,reasurer, if eleeted. To serve the oeople in +.his eacrelty anrj in an honest an,l erfeeLive nannel is the only promise f can, an.l inten.J to make.tt the nesit,ion, He 'eels that Lar+ enforeement is closelv rel_ated to the office o{ T:.easurer. i{e coes on to say, ilMany oeoDle, bo+"h inside and orrtside ooLiticaL circles have urged ne t,o seek the nomination tror treasurer. I 'lave Eiven it nmeh thou,ght an.l oeel that, with my exoe:"ience in conriteera"n in the ecun+.y. Bre'..er ser,".e.l 3. .trea_rs in the Coasi it-r.ar,l an-l j-S a ne'n1rer ot 1iony Civie an:l rra l,erna l. o.ra riza-l, ions iie i-s narri.ed. ann lirrss r"i-th his r^rire"an,.! rour ehildren p.t 3L? N. Har^t, 6culeva:""J in Har.varC, .-here he or,:ns his ho.me. I{e is a nalive o" Ycilenr-v irun+,"g an,.j i{radualed frrm t'ic,]^s+ock lonrnrnit 1,, Hiih SchooI. Fo: the nost of Tr.e:surer, fiiing fn _ Brerrer feels that his G:roerienee in YeHenry Count;r lstd enooreement for the nes+. thirteen .rrears qualifies him for oi" r"rql{e[ry Coun+,y on the Q.eor;.bl.ican t,j"cket. nr:erer, 38, is oresently the lap+,"in ani ihief o" Po]-ice in rlarvarri, prior +,o beconrins Harvard?s chiei, he was Chief or t,he irox piver Grove .olice ieoartmpnt" l]e has also been a oi.ecinet Il. lluqene Bre'r;ei' haS fi'l-e,l hiS ceiition ror t.he nomrnaLi.on of Treasurer