HE THAT tOSES WEALTH LOSES TYlUCH, BUT HE THAT TOSTS COURAGE tOSES EVERYTHING viee or t,'ar6 g5i.14""n. ,l i -rl L1 aere plot or groun.i r^ras nurchaseij on Highrav i-20 (west) in f95qoe oD r.'hj-ch a *250.000.00 olant wa.s erecterl, deriicated August 10, 1958. Zion, at present has a nenbership of 790 soulse B Spn.lsy School enroil-nenL o" J?Ar'with foriy teanhorq trrcn l9l ri) f 6 "13..,, l)lt'1,, Pas'ol s Dey,lcnd Eisscel.lt and }ler",an ll o' Rrrin,J Lake serverl Zi on. on ir1.,, (, 19) 5 ttie f irst, .F.'J. Du,]seIIr ient. t,[o Eqrr. pasi resiot', r,ras inst,r l-le,r as Das - ,r of 7.i on. pastor Pudsel-I lert in Oetober or l9!r'l an.l the seecnd .esi--lent Das. or, the aev. r,.Ialt.er ,Iohannes, t,ook eharqe of the con(l"eEation i n .Trrlv- ".'t l9),B a.n.J r,ras nasl or rrntil Yav oF I9l 9 "hen he aeeeoted a eall to t.he t,uin oarish or nridloth-:an anC l{azelcrest, f Ll-. Tn 19) ! a home was nurchaseri to serve as a .Darsonase af, 3709 1,,J. John St. Tn the sane vear pcstor iarl .4. Lobitz aececterj t-he caIL to Zion, and assumed his duties Sun.Jay October p, l9\9. tlue to the fast sror^rth of new subdivisions in the Mglisnyl' area, it was neccesar-1r ror Z5-6n to enlarqe its raeil-i.ties. A .j.r16 Later, f or a, tirne , +,hey lrel.e eorrducied in the Cit-.,' haIl an,l also fer a nunrber of vears j.i t he '.te+-ho,l i s t. ehur-ch . Tn I,1 91 the e:nsr.esati.on b,.li]-',, rts eun House of i'."orsh',D cn '.'. .Tgl,n Slree+., at a eosi oo a3nioz i,'rat e ly t l, I C0- Oi. =t"o:,r 18f( o,o I9L2 Zrnn i,r?s sp1-.re.J r.r tas+,,orB of T,lrnan,',e I T,u+"irer-"n chureh, 3t.'sla I I..rtae- ,, ard 'F^- 1e'! '; 'o 1ql,2 t-,r' raq. or St. John Tu.theran ehurch or ',!66115*ggk. Ha r.rith past.or Flsylyr,' Schmidt Jr. as its .irst, resi.-rent past.or. !{e also served the Lutherars in ti-re rt{e}ienrJr area and broright abortt an orranj-zation of Zion T,rrt,heran eongreget,ion here the foIIor+ing vear 1P.76. 'r,rit.hout ,Coubl, thi-s ne"Iy forned eonr:regat.ion eondueted thei:" 'irst servicos i-n rrrivate hones, an'l r^'hen the nunber o. rrrorshioors ine::eased, services were helri in t,he Universalist, church, now the '4asonie sation or Crystal Lake was organize4,, In 1875, In'nanueL Lutheran congre- The 0uality of 0ur lYork ls 0ur Best Advertising HEAR YE! ! COME TO II. L0ulsE's SNACK SHOP 1335 N. Riverside Tasly Home-made Soups Sandwiches For O1^ S PHONE 385-2687 - Pies For Take-Out Orders Cloxd Srrntlal' and llonda-r IIISURAilCE o HOITEOWNERS o r B()NDS . r lustHEss LIFE AUTO e FARfl r ALL UNES r tflAtol mEDtcAL Wo Peckrg. Your Covorrgl rnd Srvr Covrrrgr to Affo.d Brordor Yor,r llorry. EARL R. WALSII IACK WATSH 3429 W. f Snecial Anniversary services will held Sunday, October 9, at 7:l_r5 and I0:30 A.M. lm Srroot be McHcnry. lllinoir PHONE 385.}}M