/l . SEMI:MONTHLY PIfiORIAL.NEWSLETIER Iora, to visit Joycers parents. flhey a-Iso stopped in Dubuque to see an o1d. Air Force buddy of Dennisr. on July ]lst. She was ten years old.. Dennis and. Grace lati-mer celebrated. their arniversarlr on August ]tJx. Mrs. Naom:L Burkes arrd 163. and. Mrg. &Lward. Ileber &ccompanled. their motJrer Mrs. Maud.ia Beaudry to Madison, Iilisc. to visit her son, Mr. and Mrs. Girarrt Gilnore and. fam1ly" ft was an espcially happJI vieit as Mre. Gilmore is home a,gain af,ter a long illness i:e the hospital" Mr. and &lrs" ftLward. ttrIeber sf Chieatro took her repher, Alan Br:rkes, and d.aughter Diane Heber on & vacation, wh:i"ctr includ.ed. Nia6ara Falls, a tour thnr Cameda, tbeur or: to Detrroit, Ididrlgan. T{}lile in Detroit tJrey visited. the Ford Motor Conparltrr rvhere they se"w the wondere of automobile assembly, Alan reports'a woad.erful trip, Etlich ended. All Genersl Office Supplies LEADING BRANDS KRAUSE ]IEWS AGENCY 308 E. Elm St. Phone BTBJ Birbbday greeti:egs to Linda Dusthiner TIT O[IAI,ITY OT OtlR rIlORl( IS OllR EIST ADIITRIISI}I$ lii["'oN il il EI H @ Your Besl Cftoice for .6LI" Sftollow or Deep FSR all too goon. riII in Mrs. Hary M, Keuk1 of Orchard. Drive ceLebrate her 5eth birbhd.ay the Znd of, $*p*euber" Sbe was bo:na in Roek Island.u lllinois, and. Iived. i$ Ch:icago a nr:mber of years before moving out hdre 1951' rq wEtls ... , Hjalmar Jensen, of Orchard Drive, T!'i11 celebrate his BOth birthd.ay on Sept o 1o He was born in Copembagen, Denmarir, and ease to tris ountry lJ Years ago. He cutte here as a ttGreat DaJrett amd became an A.merica.rt I'8u11 d.og", ed believe ust he j.s plmty bully yett He is very glad to be llvj-rlg in this couatryr and. especially at West Shore Beach, nh:ich he call$ rL-J For pumping leiels dowa tD B?Ieet-use Mdrrison Aqua-f,'lo Shalloo' \[fe[ Jd or ffi Fiston Pumps. For pumping levels down to 80 fet-urc Morrison Aqua-trIg Deep WeIt Je0 Purnp. They're quig!, hold prinie, provide highart pressure at lowest msinteDance eott _F,'-or his "Illorida'r. freshments serred Srrnday, Anust ]Ist, is the d.ay set asid.e for the piculc d.own at the beachn The ftsumetr Roundup" ri}} starb at 1 of clock. Plan on staying the drole day for there ri}I be ganes galore ard. re- u If.grrison _Aqua-FIo Submerible ume and more pressulB. o; . Sold cnd rcrgiccd Da p-umping levels beyond E0 fcst-trsc Offers tlrhest efficiency, with more p"-p: rci- all d.aY. ItsEAULlflilF ffilHllD/&\{lE -: CLEM WTRHS WETL DRI,ILING PUMPS AND R,EPAIBS DHONE 2OSI Route { Metlenry, lliinr