t{SEM I JMONTHLY P|CTORIAL.NEWSLEITER VILLAGE OF SUNNYSIDE Jrmo Gunther, Reporting Coll McHenry L577J obout news tor thel'rctoriol-Nevsletter. CoPy must- be the t Oth ond 25th of the month preceding eoch issue. in by IOST beach Dri.ve. in touch with bfa:ry Harrirrgton, 1f A bunckr of keys was lost at the last Sunday, If for:nd., please get 51 Bay.v:tew Join Our Budget Plan Make Paying Your Fuel Bill Easy Over a thai 1s something been waiti:rg. top near our viilage r you have probably noticed the new speed. sign, [he road is radar tined. anrd. you are to go 4O miLes per hour - if you exceed the qpeed. lt?nit you w1lI be fined. The new speed. ljmit inside the vil]age xrill be 20 If oP.I{* The 'tgo ah.ead." sign for fixi:eg or:r roads shouLd. be very soon anC f know you have gone drivS:rg on the black- l0 ll{onth Period HESTER OIL CG. 601 W.&UKEGAN RD, for which we have aj-l Fhone McHenry 24S i Donrt fcrget uur l'arnily picn:ilc orr August L7 G the plerrlc will start at 2 orclock. There will- oe ioe cream sr:d. eand.y for the young ones, Games f or both ysung anC old ril] be played" amd priz*s will be glven to uhe winners" You are ie funrish your swn h:nch ar:ri. d"::kdes, and please remerrber to bring your tables and. shai-rs oecause there are :i.one to be had at the beachn $o, wontt you aI1 eome an d rnnke this a successful occasionn CalI I',lrs. Frank Maclaughljn at 1554W for any irfo:mation. Poor Chris '$/illiarns will srrel.y reurrn* ber to check the gas galrge on ttre car before she leaves home, because a few weeks ago stre was on her way home drivlng on 120 between the Jolmsbrrg Road. a1d. McHerrzXr dren she rari ei: t of g&s c Yore all how that late et night nothing ie oFBs but th:l s ga1 was lucky she was near & faem, howe afid the yor.urg far:uier was & good sa.maritan because he gave her some gas s.ryt mad.e sure she got starbed. Ctrrig wa"s so excited. she forgot to ask the ns.nts name, so if he happens to read. ttris, she wants him to hao'r he will alra,;p be ffiffi Y{}ffi ffiffiE RETIREffi let yeffi monley @ffitrffi y@u a liyimg tARtS UP I0 ilYo PER A}INUftI