q SEMt-MONTH@ nation it was on the iob to Provide thousand.s of us, 1I1 or injured., need.ed to speed. out recovery and i:r mamy caseg save our liveg. The Red Oross trained over 2rm0r000 of us last year i-n first aid., water safety, and. home nursing. Through the Junior .Red Cross, it helped guid.e young peopie to responsible maturity by teaching them the importance of service to The .rled Cross has proved, agaln and again, that 1t cart be relied upon all the time ar.td. everXrwhr r l{ow we mrst IHOIIAS P. BOTGER THE IIcHENRY DRUGGIST lAcHenrY Phone 40 others. Ark OPoroier For Tolt Frte Sorvicc ENTEtPtISt 92OO insure that this vi'tal orgarrization will continue its work during the coming year, that it is "Ori the Job Yrlhen You Need f t L{ost", by joining and contributing in its member and. fund camPaign. It may be that tragedY will never strike our town or area on a large - PHONE McHENRY 920 frlcHenry Ready-lblix Co. !nc. READY MIXED CONCR,ETE' RADIO DISPATCHED 600 FRONT It hope it d.oesnf t. n:ay be that you wil1, never have a loved. one in military service stricken. 'vTe hope you d.o not. It may be that flood.s will'never sweep over our area or terrible tornadoes rip through our cor,intrysid.e. 'rYe hope arrd. pray that they w"i1I not. But there are places where reaL tragedy does strike. There are falriil ies wilos sons atre stricken criticaily nt sone faraway pra.ce. There are arcas devastated" by wj-nd.s a;rd. flood.s, people made homeless, maybe even rnaimed or killed." It is for these times arrd. in these places that we need and carr appreciate the Red Cross. - The ried Cross ntakes it 'possible .for all of us to be there, helping the r.mf'ortwr*e, corni'ortirig the distraughtr givi4g aid where it is needed, even if we never. scale. *tYe STREET McHENRY, ILL B{}WHrUffi 12 Lanes m r a dt dte 8ea8 Automalic Pin Setters Pay A Visir To Our Cocktail Loungre and Hear EGON STURM HAAAMOND ELECTRIC ORGAN leave hoIne. PLAY THE Every Day Except Sunday FOR TM BISTQUAIITY AIII} SIRYIffi McHEhtRY, lLL. - Linoleums Furnilure - Carpets Washing Machines - Frigidairei GEORGE R. JUSTEN & SON illcHEtRY RECREATI0N PHONE 2520 East of Old Bridge McHenry, l]iinois Oxygen. Equipped Ambul.nce Service Funeral Directors Phone McHenry 2&O