/ 5EMI-M(JN I HLY PIL I UKIAL-NEWSLEII ER ACCIDMruS ARhl DIYTNSIVE BE CAREF1IL VIILAGE OF ilcGULLOll LAKE 'AUDE "#::lJ Reporti ns ?T; It"l.*i,ts *jj,' jtli{f;:cff,ls sA',r.m ffii.{,T*}s *}' rll-i-ie::s fu; ; rlsursd javir,gs Associaticr:x, Tli* lilederai Sav., ng;s and Iroan lnsura:ice Ccrper*tiort i-ns'r;res your aceount up to :}t10r000o00o lnsured" Sarrings and. Los:r {ssoclations safeguard $44r r00rO0O, 000 in savirrgso . i You may ask what is a -u'eoeral Savings and Laan Insurance Corparatiorr? The FSLIC is a permanent instrunnentalJ.ty (or agency) of the Un'ited States Go.rennment, established und.er the . I'iatiorral Houning Act, of L914. Jt ls mariaged by a Board. of frrstees appointed by the FresiCent of tire United $tates anrl ccnf:.xnred by the Senate. tr'SIlC hea&* qr.rarters are in Yfashingtcn, D.C. Toaay it serves 11772 member insured savings aiid. loen asecciations wrth combined assets of 44.5 billions dollarso Come in and opeli an accorxit with'us, save for your torn:niorows - today! Regular or gptlongl accorrnts pay ] 1@.. (pa;rabie semi-ar:nua11y) o Iime d*Ig.41 pl.an is 4/, - 5 years -- (1 W by check semi-annually and L/2,1, bonuB payable at end. of ! years). inc.:'easee 45.L% over the previous ;r&xr iioth the savings and loams have reached. new high total s. L{ortga6e }oa.ns have -r.ncro.s ed 55.-O/o over. the previ ous ; a.nd. savings 52.'/o increase over the previous $&xe ite ha're maintained a very strong reser$e position vrhieh exists solely for &oi:at1y Sponsored. by HcCtrllon Lake trsdies of the Lake and. the Crrilom-Knoll As soeiati. on 0u11cn Kncll and LeCies cf :i:e Egg Hrxtt $atr,irday l,.{a:'ch 2t e\ 3each House 2:C0pra" age 7-LZ irears. icnatiors of Colored" eggs may be taken +"c the }:cmes of Lcuise Hammerstein, Pnone 3L93r -i25 l,{aple liill }rlve; Lois Parenti, '**rt tflhy Hot $tart the New Year hy *{aving Our Office Gheck Your lnsurance Goverage? It lUlight Be to Your Adyantage. Pilot{E {3 it is of interest that our assets hsve EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE AGE]IICY ll2 E. Elm mdlenrt your protection. St