tb SEMI.MONTHLY PICTOR I AL-NEWSLETTER 'Belated birthtlay greetings to Sue Schunan whose day was celebrated. on Uiottrefs Day. 'fJe}l our house is slowly settling down after having or:r daughter for First Holy Comrmrion arrd one scn for Confornation and on May ]Ist graduation and then \r&ca? Subccribe Nou SUBSGRTPTTON of yor had a pleasent holiday g.nd a sa^fe one to I should. add. PISTAI(EE,HIGHLA]IDS JANICE JANQUART, Reporting for I vacation and they do get careless while playing so be very careful rhile driving so we wonr t have to cause aqr urhappi.ness anlr ort o hope all tion for the children. Dontt forget the children will be on BLANK r tr' EE I{ICilTU^T-IEII'M IEIB fS |2.O E IE[....."""" Ers - D.o. u !51o rdElnr, rr&. ... flEaaaa.aaa.. aa.....a..oa..oo.... !!E,D. o. .. . . . o . . . .EltltE D..-. o o. . . . 0Ell. o......o ....ot...81!E ......... HYaft 7-3282 S}CIIE If, This weekend everXnrhere you look yor saw people mow"i-ng ]arns planting gardens, and the results &ne real}y sonething to seo Take a drj.ve arourd your connunity and you rilI appreciate the beautiful conrinrlity you live in. l[r. and lurs. BiII Leuth had, dinner guests this weekend. Ihey were Mr. amd Andorgon Trce Setwice Tru Suqgcry - PlrntlnS - Rcmovrl Flreplre Wood Spre:ilng PlrorEg Phones: Woodrtock 2598; McHcnry 2576 Eq REID pou"E 4 - Box 6t ? Pavrs Gioro tlcHErRy. lLlrxols Art OPeru$or For ENTERPI ISE 92OO - Toll Frce Scrvice GEORGE R. Funerol Home 'USTEil 106 PHONE McHENIY 920 & SOil *IcHENRY, lLL. frltHenry Ready'lllir (o. lnc. RTADY MIXED CONCRETE R,ADIO DISPATCHED 600 FRONT w. ELM ST. INSTANT AMBULANCE Two-Way R.edio Dirpelchcd Equipment STREET McHENRY, ILL Phone ilcHenry 2400