t6 SEMI.MONTHLY PICTOR IAL.NEWSLETTER If you bave any canned. good.s for I;re Festival on July 25thr Xou may d.rop then cff at the folloring homes: parentifs 50I 725 Maple Hill Drive, pbone ,L9h Ha^lura's JOI Parkrrien, phone l}Z$ni or at Egersta,fferrs 724 f'ormtain !ane, phone 1479. Mr. & Mrs. Jameg Jobes of Knollwood. Dr. entertained. Mr. & ltrs. Palmer Aa,modt & lrchard, Drive, phone ,LAO; Hammersteinrs ls1and.. He arived. early Safiird.ay, JuIy 11 wisheg to John who F"o belated. birthd.ay has 2O on the 24th of June. t LoriE [oerne geve a party at her home ion lTedne"*ty, July 8th. A hot aog ,o"st reg enjoyed by Mickey Reid., J. R. Levesque, ard Marilya Scarbrough. i[r. & M:s. Reifr helped them out. I in rver the 4th of July weekend.. Patricia Jobes recently spent three d.ay,s in McEenr;r Hospital whare she had a tonsi'IIectony. Patty?s mom is sure glsd itrs aII overr 8s she never scooped. so much iee s3@ern in eIl ber Life. Ben and Bob Gates spent the past weelc Ha;rward, IYieconsln" Mtrs* Coste just retunred from her vacabi"sn irr Colorado. l{ada nede her trj.p by laughter Gail I,pn; also Miss. Rita Slankenship, all of Mirnneepolis , Mirn. , Ail Your Building Needs e plame, and. enjoyed the trip very much,. Welcone houe sailorl I a,m happy to a,noounce that ny brother John ig hone on a tro week leave fr.on hi-s bsse in Rhod,e rn[E PrA]t smu!88 NffD ffiilMAililO Subsciihe ffieu Ardcron Tr=o Swfuc - rhed4' - l:lnffi$ Tnoc WY SD.rt'/lrO ?Lox:l Phonr: Wc&oct 2lI9C; ScHrorY Af,C lloul: a -Bor 6l? Eo Rero LcHcr.tv. lrlltolS ocvrs Gioro o frtcffiHNRY LUMBEM CS" $rr $flfl!ffi ngrfir.c Uooa $I[tt? LlclltllN, l[L Phone 46 Peter tl. Iustem & Som Funeral Honre PHOilE hICHEfiNV 63 AR.OUND THE CLOCX OXYGEN EOUIPPED Ambulance Seruice tr 400 W. Elm Strrf m.H.nry, lllinrir