l'{' .MONTHLY PICTOR IAL -NEWSLITTER SEM I ffiHER DIGMTARTES AT NEPUBTTCAN STEM ROAST: 1. II. S. Coagressman Elmer lloffhan. 2. County Judge Vernon Kays. 3. Stardiag, Bobert C. Me0lory, L" Ift, HcEemy Connty Streriff Cbiebel-, ffight, Kane County Judge . John Peterson. AfunTreScwirPrtorct_ Ph: Woodsiocl(,FE. &2598; fttcHenry EV. 5-2575 Eo RElo prvrs Eoeo ltclr:xnv. t.oUTE 4 . BOI 617 Ttu fu1cry - f!!fi&a - Lrfid SDrryh3 kc+" f6d lr.r.rxols S: *"ii'j:,.. N,ii:::,,:ii: $lffiffic0lilPillY $=@ llowm lqrii' ffii;:t,,tr:.: P.. K' We tttfifi Buitrd On Veur $-mff The Hcme Of Vonnr C[rei,ce 2I$S" Grmr EV" 5-I I25 ry% Paktr Cn trl $arings IlefosiE Efftctiw Jetp I. Igft tlcHemqf $tate Bank tGllE]IEV. tLLlteOtS Scrring lSirxc lSC6 tranbcr o[_ F-EI-C-