l8' _.--. you cah treat ,-vourself and had SEM I.MONTHLY PICTORTAL-NEWSLETTER ltre BLl1 Lindenr s entertained relati-ves Ilom California and for people rvho hadnt rest for a bit. to eake and eoffee uhet kind of weather greeted them when they got here--Yes, RAINT All of the l[cHenry Home Bureau Urits a?e to be eongratulated upon the rnany beautiful handmade artieles that they brought in for the Bazaar; also thp cakes, Jellies, frultsr vegetables, in fact al} of the home-made good'ies. There were so nany things that a person coulo btry that j.t was raln back home for uonthse you knor Ardcron Truc Scrric Trc Srr&t1z - Phgdra - Il'ovd ftcOlrc Wod SDrrtb3 Fltoxct Ph: Woodstock FE. 8-2598; McHenry EV.5.2576 Eo FEro FourG a . Bor 6l? prvrs liolo LcHf rry. lt.l.rrors llov. A fcd Trrot Hormc*'lf,,ordc Hrmburgcrs rnd Orher Snachr Ph.: EV. ,2607 For Ordqrr To Trkc Out. Opon lO A.}l. to aifficutt to ma}<e decisions ' A bi'g thank you to all of the workers and to everTrone r*ro came to nalcO this a succssfu1 ventllre. Jorlp t P*m. LffiEllTD EV. Pfiffiffi 5-306p BEVER,LY T'ICKENKAMP Ttre Lakeland Park porpulation seems to be steadily increasing for on Oet' 9th at the Harnard Hospital !Ir. and }fus' J' Sehann of Meadow Isne became the parents .of their second daughter, [inessa Ann, Trieighing -a healthY 9 #, 2 oz: 0n October el$th }Lttle lrlancy Jean mad'e Cloeed tondeys rffi$ $HCI $t0? rrg x. flruru0r RAMBLER SELECT u$Ee cARs her appearance at lToodstock Memorial rents Rita Mlss tipped the sealt at 7# 5 oz. Ttaiting for a peek at thei.r bnaDd nerr sister are Pattie Susie and Bobbf. Thursd.aye October l5thr Dorothy Glorch rras hostess at a toy denonstration. Seven'teen g:Lrls came to enjoy the eventng Hospital" Nemest daughter and Bob fdstei-n1 of proud parthis }Lttle t- FORD 2 Door Fairlane, 6 CYlinder, Aulomatic, R.adio, elc. 3- '57 DODGE 2 Door Coronei, 6 CYlinder, Standard Drive. RATIIBLER 4 Door Curlom, 6 Cylindcr, 4 -'57 Automatic, Radio, Power Brakes, efc. '58 'rrarJr visiting and roaktr-rg purchases to help 01d Santa outt Pert Patti Rogers, was hostess to her fliends October 19th on the occasion of her 6tfr Uirthday. Ihe guests nho help- I '58 STUDEBAKER. 2 Door Scolsman, - 6 Cylinder; Stenderd Drive end Heeler. RATIiBLER 4 Door Cuslom Station 5 -'56 Wagon, Radio, Heatcr, Power Bralcr, Standard Drive. ed devor.rr,the birthday ngoodiesrr rere Patti, Susie and Bobby Idsteine Billy and , Ianry Burnsr Janet Barler Norbie Kr:Latek, Billy Bu::nann, nobby and iiavey T{ickenkamp, Cldyl Ki-m and iriickey Casey, and Mary 6 - '54 tic, Radio, Power Steering, Power Brakos. BUICK 2 Door Super R,iviera, Aulo-ma' fbidayr Uctober Z)tt^, little Nancy ifiatthems entertai,ned several of her friends (Continued on back Page) Farmer. tlfi) Elm Sireei Seibel Motors Sales PHONE EV Your Local Ranthler Sales and McHenry, lllinois EV 5-4387 Service Representative