f* SEM I. MONTHLY PICTOR IAL.NEWsLETT L,I( ual Snow Ba}} Dance. Like prevj.ous years rt will be held at tkre, American Legion HaII in McHenry. Tickets can be purch- ased at $11.5C per person from l)orma Rode,, Jessie ldatthenrs, Flo Root, Ann ltlohnrade, Vickie Bottari or at the door the ulght of the danee. If youfve ever attended or1el you t 11 never ralss another t 0n November 1st, Dorothy and Foss Glorch Trere godparents for their littIe nepherw, Kurt Jeifery. Itrey are verly pr- oud and of eourse Grandpa and Grandmalltrr. and Mrs. Ed Glorch were there for this menorable rceaEion! ltrerets new additions at Ed and Carol Alfunannts and Joan and Rich Burnannf s-- ner Fords t ldarry safe and pleasant drlv- ing nniles e folks l The l$omen t s Club vrill hold their Annual Chrj-stams Party on Thursday, Des, I0th. Jo Rlzzo t s comm:Lttee is working very hard to make it the best,"one yet. Ibch girl atterding is remincieci. to bring a tu1.00 grab-bag gift. 0n I\resday, Iilovember lC;the pretty Cindy Casey was hostess to her nany lliends. those who caue to help her celebrate the ,occabion and watch her blor"r out the five candles on her birthday cake were Pattie and Susie fdstei,nr Janet Barler Patti, Faul and Colleen Rogers, Norbie Kriatek, Dav:td T{agner, Bobby and Davey i{tickenkarry, 8111y and larry Burnsr Endr of course, sj.sters Kim and ilfickey. Birthday Crreetings to Paul Rogers who will be four on the 19th; Beulah Hoardr also on the 19th; Rich ldohnrade .on the 25tn; Loui-se lf-eEner',' on Dec. lst, and to Carol Huemann on Deeernber 2nd. ffi +!l lr"rlr'. -"\e"" **---;*};{{': :&4 #Jl ,,tt HOME OF THE TRIPLE-DEGI(ER HAMBURGERI'$. Hs$ "lffi TAFEL'S Motel ond Drive-ln -Diner Highway 3l and Gary Road Algonquin, Illinois Thank God You Are Living ln the United States THOfrlAS P. BOTGER THE XIcHENRY DRUGGIST Phone EV. 54500 tcHemY ffi 0tltrEY 0r 0m mffi 6 oun BtsI totun$ffi Art fuor fcr ENTfltf EE 92OO - Toll Frcc Scricc PHONE EV. '.4YN ftlrHenry Ready-tlir Co. lnc. READY MIXTD CONCIETE RADIO DISPATCHED 600 TRONT STREgT McHINRY, ILL * II