t* ootdMAI{DB, Etr{ER, I{Il,LIn AII',ARDTNG l5-ynln PrNs T0 }nE[tsERS OF !81'.f PoST h6OO, teft to Right: Gene Doblms, Bill Prie-qr Vern Reinboldtl Lou i.}iedrich and Ken Granger. ,Photo by Kotalik. RATHS, O]'lE DOIL4,R PEE IEAR. OFFER .TIXPIRES ON PAGE ONE. TAKE AIViJJTAGE OF iIIiJ.? ..-J PECIAL STJBSORIPTI I]N SEE STTBSCRIPTTO$ BI,A.NK New Diyldend Rate Hffective lan. lst, 1960 0n lnyestment Savings Accounts Phonc EV 5-3000 4%o Payahile $emi-Annually %Yo Bomus at ffiaturity 206 W. Elm Strcet ilcHcnry, lllinois GOI}TE IN AND ASK ABOUT IT