$ SEM I.MONTHLY PICTOR !AL.NEWSLETT II{ I,ADIUS 0F TIIi:l T,,\Kli T0 I{OLD r,I[ETf;\trG The rrladi-es of the le'kett sil-1 hold a meeting on December lOth rt B:00 PI',{ at the Bea.ch House. TLre ttladiesrrare plannlng a Christmas Party for Deeember 17th, although no spec- iflc plaee for ttre part-v l-ras yet been de- cided upon. T,,YO HO}'JTES DESTROYED BY EIRE AT MCCUtI,O}fi I,AKE IAST THURSDAY Itwo houses on 0nchard Drive at Me6\rl.1om Iske e ore owned. by Adolph Erban of Chlca go and the other b5r ivliehael Scotella were de- stroyed W fire early i-n the mornj-ng on November 19th. LTf,E.TTD PTnI( BEVERLY ryICKENKATP EV. 5.306P On Sunaalr, i\ovember 22na, little Nancy Jean, daugtrter of Hita and Bob Iclstein was christened at St. P;itrlck I s Catholic Churcli. (,rx hanu for thrs memorable occ- asion were ifury and Bamy Bartonl l{ancy t s sponsorsi kandparent5 il,Ir. ano iuirs. itay- moncr tr.Ca;rrne1 an,.r trtr.&oo iVirs. JOseph ldstein; and rvii. anci ;,'lfs. rta;runond. il$aymei Jr. and. their l.ittle uaughter Jean hilarie, Just recentl.rr Veretta Gersted was e Tupirer,riare Hostess to se'reral of her fr1- ends. Tlrose vrho came to viernr the verset- i1e merchandise 1i'rere Ann BeIl, "Iimi Laod, ',Iovce j,ort, Doris Bock, Gen &rli-th, Ann Hirschberg and Pegg.r Kasper of 1'lie6ul-l"om The sig rhot meons whot soys... Only the best used cars in our big stock get this SELECT tag. It means they have been carefully selected and thoroughly reconditioned so we can back them with our SELECT Used Car Guarantee. stE THtsE 5@ ustD cAR vALUts Notv 1959 RA"IVIBLER American Station Wagon 1959 RAMBLER Ambasador 4-Door Sedan 1957 DODGE 2-Door 6 Cylinder 1956 PONTIAC 4,Door Hard-Top 1955 RATIABLER 4-Door Siation Wagon 1954 RAMBLER 4Door Station Wagon 1954 BUICK 2-Door Hard-Top RAMBIER's NEW CAR SUCCESS MEANS BETTER USED CARS FOR LESS Seibel Motors Sales dlO Etm Slreet McHenry, lllinoir PHONE EV 5-5361; EV 5-'88, it HOME OF THE TRIPIE. DEGI(ER HAITTBURGER TAFEL'S Motel ond Drive-ln -Diner Highway 3l and Gar.v- Road Algonquin, Illinois