Advent season torard Chrlstmaslthat this is the ti-rne of joyous preparatlon for the coming of Chri st, ard that aIl- we do ln worship and holiday celebraticn be ddl- eated to the G1or.y of God, our Father, who has saved us through the eomlng of His Son, Jcsus Chrlst. N,ITIIITY EYANG}jIICA.I TUTHEE${ ffiUBCE T{onder Lake, []-linors TII(}ffTA$ P. BOTGER THE *IcHENRY DRUGGIST ., Phoxe EU. 54500 ilcHenry AtTFIffiffiF'S GAS SERT TCE ?{D{} Front St Phorc 2tg C*plete tleet of Ra& DrspatM fndrcI All choir members are 1'nvited 'Jrfiaior Shoj-r Christmas Party to :on Fliday evenirg, December 18, to. the be treld at, 7:30. , iq tltis}frav -rqg no! forget- ?s we novj Peter m. fusten & Son t',ffi ffi . - "lt****- lr1,-r;'1,.' .,-' ;:r : 'r,: .--fr'il d*mrn Hffi8'FuNrR 'c ;.' M JUSTTH 50H AL HOMT Anrbulance Seruice {m W. Elm Strer? lrtcHenrY, lllinnil " McHenry EV. 5-00G3 AR,OUND OXYGEN THE CLOCX EOUI PPED t- Funeral llone