h *dEq PICTIJNE father T[F]:i,:l OV;R 5O YdrrRlj :\GU. of i,lil':.'. Bobei"', fhomoson. tri-rst man c;n le"ft Photo courtesy it,. is Ch ,rles Granger, Thorrrps on, reprociuceu Lianager, b;r n. rr;. allt. Gircle Barber ShoP flY PLlrClNSf,l, ffiir &r0ch - Crrr Cnt - flrt ToPo Rt. l2o !a Dtoct Ed .f !t10lp AR,I-)IIND THE CCINTY i,fTTH RED CROSS Things are noving along ni-cely in pre- paration for. the l?.ed Cross F\rnd Drive in iflarch. Thanks go to the follor',"ine organ- ization.s :[or aDpearances on their Dro,qrans this pa st 'neek: .Iohnsburg Com.r.mnltJr Cl-ub, Lake-in-the-l-lil..1 s Oommunit,-r C1rrb, -,'iaere defi-nite plans were narle for the j':reh lst canvas under the )-eadership o f ,,bs . Cnas . Geolge R. Iusten Ambulonce & Son Tro-Wry tdb Dhprfchrd EqulPnrntFUNERAL HOMI tO6 W. Elm St. ilcHENRf, ILL' *',," i . . Phone EU. $2100