rn T.lr(h-r.$[I) P]ffi BOYTS BASEBAIJ C[[IB OEEICENS. STAI{I}IfiG I..EFT 1O EIGEII: uDraaD ozoc, raIIrEB EArSEm, JR, ArAEBI' KIIJItrAD AND JACK LAlm![. FmNf s HAH\IT]I gEoreE, JOE PnAzAtr AilD IRY BECKER. HGTONHL ilETUS LETTEN has reached iis 4th BIRTHDAY, and is starting its 5th year. wiih this issue. q{n P[IEUtffiER OF lUE PICI0ffi *ishcs to cxteqd. his hcartf,clt s3rupathy to Bobcz* Ecerdricks otr firc llcEcnrgr. Tortrr- ship Ei& School tcaching staf,f on the remt prcsing of Lis father.- Ir. Etmkicks has fumishcd. scivcrll otr thc lhotos ugcd. a^s csver pictnrcs ia the past. Iu gllertly apprreciatc. To Bny a Thriving DELIGATESSEil SHOP in illcHenry JUST THE PLACE FOR A COUPLE Gall EU Hr754 t-lrSIIE!s{ytr,sruEr\snu f;-.i;-4****- i'*d I , a Gome to tlhe Final GLEARATGE SALE On AII 1960 J{ew Ramblers ]lo Demonstratons or Factory Used 60's OUR. SALE PR.ICE ON THE I78- WHEEL BASE AilERIGAt{ 2-Dr. $1495.00 Ptus Freight, Heater rnd State Salet Tax and any old car you can drive to the show room. New I89' 1Dr. Deluxe RAilIBLERS, Sale priced ar $1995.00 With all these exlras al no increase in cost loyou.' Jyo-Tone paint, Siandard Drive, WeatheiEye, _Xe_ari1g Sysfem, Reclining Seats, f-i"Travel Beds, Arm R.esl, Cigar -Lighrer, f*ii Sun Visors. Plus state salei rax and any otJ car you ean run lo our show room. We also have a few New t960 AXIBASSADOR 4Drs. I99'wheelbase, including Vg. At lowest prices ever for Americas truly cuslom compacl car. SEIBEL TOTORS SALES t|o5 W. Eln Srnrr IcHonry, lllinoir F]ffi EY "3Cl; EV t4ta, han$elyb