[. t0 Ro 3 McH]f,SRY JAICEE DIREC$ORS: mNArD OEnSTAD, Iti0M.A,S TANDRE AltD DArJD A. LADD, DISCUSSIN0 INSTAI'I,ATTON 0F CSdEIM DRI\TEWAY, AWARDED BI THIS GROIIP [O A IOCAI NESTDM{I. McHE{RY JAYCEES I,ATE^ST PNOJECT. ThE Iocal chapter of the Junior Chanber of Commeree has bsen successful in their rlatcst.,projGct, the awerd.ing of e 500 B![. ft. cement d.riveway:1;. fhis dr.ive- n&yr to be instelled ,'by the Jaycec rncln- bers, was won by Mrs. Joan liick, of 1r5 Bonner Drj-ve, Lakeland- Shorcs o . 'I'Lrie projeot, ttrryica} of those und.er- taken by this active eivic organization, is in the tnre spirit of thc groupo ftCourmunity Developmentfr' is ttre watchword. of the Jav"retu Ir[lNIMtM BUILDINC .t'tltto GOAL Otr,' $251000 REACTIED BY NATIVITY TUTI1ERAN CHURCTI Our marrtrr'thanks to the mernbers and friends of Nrtivity rfuo helped. uu through their gifts and. ptedges to reach our nninirrun goal of $251000. With this ton- derful rcsponse it wl}I be possible for us to pay off our loans on schedule ard meet our obligations aa a congregation. FREE TRIAL SOFT WATER HOME OWNEO ,..r',., R. O. AndfeW GO.a sErYrcr AuroMlncs FE Brf200 a rr0 y61rs ExpElENcE WOODSTOCK, lLL. 5 A w i seut-MoNTHLv ptcroRtAL-NEwsLETTER ffi 0lllt]tY 0r otln u0nt 6 llun BtsI rmnffiil8 ' llovr A f.d f;rat Hom*Hodc Soqp Hrmburgnr rnd Oihrr Snrkr Ph.: EV. $2617 For Ordrr To | : Trko Opi. ,l Clo..d tondrye Louis0'ls Snauh $% Paid (ht il SruhSS illcHenqy State Bank ilcHENRY, ILLIN()IS Sorring lSincc tmo hmbcr ol F.D-|.C. M