q Our Sanitone Dry Cleaning acttrirl ly rete xturizes fabrics w'hile it's cleaning tlrerrr ! M,ffNBGW CIEANER.S N. FnONf STBEE? mGHElln% ffilOl3 Fhono n{rrglecn W1r1I7 a Puoro op AR'iHuR Jom{soN tuN cH, TM,EilT -iflilxt HE '{rAS HAD MOHI} HA]R THA}I NOW - MR, FnED [. FERRIS, mINIT CH^LTHMAN 0r thc llcHe nr1r Corxrty ChePter of 'the Aperlcan ited Cross annouccs thc eppolatroentnent of ldr. John Eoehn, at Cheirmen of the 1961 [\rnd Drive. ltr. noohn ls lrltnrgor of the lllrnois tscl1 ' 'Iclephone Ooropanyts exchangcs of Wood' stock, Harvard, Marengo end Uaion. He hrs lived ln rYoodstoclr gince Jarruary of 1960. Hc ras associated with the .Aneri- crn Red. Urose ectivities in uffinghen Corxtty in 1!26 errd L9>'1. 'the Annual trectrng of tbc t{cHenry Corrnty Chcptor of thc A.nerican rlcd Cont. Insidc Brclc Covcr OF JOHNSOI{ T S TM{ TEARS OLD. M}IPABB. Goortp f,. Iustcr Ambuloncc & Son Tr>Ury I.tOtrylcfre ErdPr*FUNETAL HOfl 106 W. Ekn Sl. mcHE}lRY, lLL. h!r.iflI li.f, $ l