tb WRECK AI!' IHE llEE EltRt? 1!0of c" Photo CotrrtesY jlfirs. Rrlph Justcn HffEHER-BABf CAIIE-- (gont. ) fhe Cc'anty Chapter ril] sponsor thc eoursc in 0ctobeu prorrided at leest .r_4 fi eouples) registcr. you uratrr rcgister now in t&e office here. Mrs. Betty Booth, R.I. arrd. rho bad. strncial trairri.ng in th'is course, is the instructor. The course is teught in gix tvo-bour lcssons, It covers (a) beforc thc babf Gotrrcso (b) aftcr tha beby emives, "na (c) 8s tha beby g?ors upc Clessr€om d.issussiotl and participation &re cmphesized. Itsrougb praetice in the elassroom you rril"I geie *anfid.enee in yeur ebility to c&re 'for the baby, e Red, Cross spokesman ma,j.tr- tains. Ee added that wlren you compLete the eour€c and eara your certifieate, you w il1 bc better prepered to givc thc baby the health3r'stert that is his rig!,t, Ihis course riI} be held at the Easter Seal Cliaic ttrroug! the courtesy of ttrc . cooperating Chapter. Registration should. be made rith the Red Cross Office in .Woodstock, EErlerel O-1O5O, as the coursc . is sehed.uled, to start October lO, lg50. NE\Y CITIZB{SHIP pR{)cRAU_-(Cont. ) personal Ca ( citiz=nship quotient) and to determ:ine if his acceptance of citizen- ship responaibility is in keeping with the p roblems beforc hin end his comnnr- nity. It is hoped that, i.f he finds bin- solf cieficient, he will set about improv- ing h:[e q enit thus hia comu:aity end. his neti"on" llhc Q prograur wes d.evclopef, originaJ.ly by KimniE Intometiona,l, ft i.s cuflrorr*- ly beiug undert*en t hrougout the Unit6d, Stntcs nnd, Ganed,a under tho &uB* piccs of Ki;anis Clubs rorkirg r*ng1y or in corrcert ri th other groups sfrd. siti- ucng t comslittGCg o In arnouncing tJro ler:nching of tbe 0A progreul If,T. Pol}oclc aeid thet e mrmber of ectirrities EiI} ba und.ortaken initia* Lly to fanilierizs citizene of McHenry ritJx t he siEtencc 4nE the na.ture o'f t&e progmmr erd to etart then on their o*n efforts to ratc thenselves. A book- let entitlcd, 'rHow Do You. Retc youreelf"is beirg rid.ely distributed. by the corr. nittce. This booklet lists twcnty aspcete of citizcnship rcsponsibilif and. provid.cs spe ccs for the ind.ividrnl to ttrate himsel.fr ox. cech. Thc llcHeruly Kiwanis Club is currcntly working vcry ectively on e joint pro- gfem being sponsored by thc League of llomen Voters of llcHenrjr nnd Wood.stock, and. the McHenr;r Kirenis ud Rotary Clubs. llhis pnogran bas becn tailor-made to rhw UcHcnrtr eree a^nd is degigrrcd to crr- courage gettirg out thc votc. However, beforc peop le Brc cligible to vote, they must regigter. Io properly regis- ter, anyone vhcl has not d.one so, mey stop by the office of EerI fle1sh, City Cierk, LLZ East Elm St., McHenri', I1-1. =-=-: =: r-::: a :1: ::: -E".r : :::::n. =