),4 TITE Iil"a.PPIEST. MI.SER {}tr"AtI. I-S tEg II8 ElvE EAD ERSES rf, f,cEBr. rEFT lo rrFEtr u. rrcnF.rs txD ru. tcEEIs& ofr EIISESS tr[(i(E.. Photo @urtcry of nrodBlok'b. ueddlag r;'rni6r36arJr @ SepE Z5o *hey 'qo.t-ertaLaed. tbetr rolattyss aed l?tmds !Etb..3 pasty ta thslr homs. Ifu. Se1aom hac bea ttllagc treagurqr slaoe re laoorlnratirdl ti t955.. glni-aud EnrI havc bao, rGrJr aottro i-B slTtl eff,el.re ia titie eomiit3r for'may Jrsara. fhe resldm*n aad, nmy friadc rad aeig[bore rrlsh thm nary Eors year6 of .yedd.ed, blisgr RED CROSS eA.e DAt & tag d*y to bmeftt ths R€d 6?oes ,rrIII bo held ta HoHmt'y m Sat" 8e5*"'ry....fhe spgalal eolleet5"m. rae mado floee8sari beoauso UoEG'qf feli short aborrt 50 per sqrt of Lts quota for'lp&. It is hopd that e lnrttm of the d,e*Le- it rrill be nad,e up ilr thle EBvr & Ootober 10, L96P,, the UoUmry theater rlll presot to the publle a flln grtltleA trtm UARK n, fbaturlng UIEBE IS trO EEAIIfIEIEE.OE (f,IU8IJ{[I(E, ON, FOBI, ffi, BEEf,TIOR LXXE TEE IIISE K) SCAI!:ER, i,OY 3!D f,OI PAIr Ai,owD gs. .ET3u YIRSE rs TIIHE PATB uxEs rI ATPE,IRS Is I,.,BEAI,TTFuL PER80[. -- VrR( Lo REACHES SOth IEAB OF HEDDED B[tr8S. omgratulatloa to l[r.. and, Fa. Jeh f,euler,tb ooa thslr lOth roildlag'aatrl,Ter- aar5r e The oouplo Eroro Jotaed tn EoIy l&trimmy m Set 26, L9I.?,,, Just eftor Iff. Xouharth graEuated frqn oollegg. Ihe eoutrflo have tso daugptars, t&s. E.ob sf, Forest FBrk end, l&s. Beuer of, &ystel lake. trF. trieuharth Is r past mstor of SeEalr5r Iadge aod. eorti.ve fia churoh aad slyi.s adoavergr !tr" Ssrrhaith ls.at, preaa,t maagcrr Ylee kostde.t of ths fiaHmry gavtrge apd lpan Aaooelati,e. lts Ueuhartbtg' are yery tatoregtoal ltr flsres and bave ths floral shorr plaoe m Eo Clr.l1m I*b Roadr MC CIIiJOM;L,jIXE CUUH,E CIELEmAE Sf tTtsE iTEDDIH C TSNTVER,SARY. EI.rnE and, Earl il-e1sm, of 0rctnrd,.IF. Eo C'n1trsn lehe oelebreted thei.r illrer W g *S E' -,*{f,sEd