I 11 Big Departments Phone 385-2040 1327 North Riverside Drive McHENRY, ILLINOIS .& K*?.*LIH sTffi}* Fli#?* [R, Ai{B }dRS. UARff}I BAUREIS oelcbrated thclr 50th wcddlng annivorsery on Scpt. 15, 1965, Thcy EJerc nart'led at St. Waolnth's Catholio Church in Chloago and movoC to UoHcnry tn 1951. Thcy aro thc paronts of threo s oris , Iawronoc of LaGrangc, Nartin of Chieago and .Lconerd of lbrrlCge, also orrc daug):- tcr; Ilrs. Dona1d Sonnemann of }.lcHonry. Thcy havo flftocn grandohtldrorr and tvrc groat grandohlldrcno trfr. Baurcls retlred ln 1955 and bcth hc ard hls wlf c arc i-n gocd hcal th and cR- joy gardening., They oelcbratod thcir annlvcrsary fi fty yaars latcr, to thc d"],, boginnin5 wlth a hlgh Mass ln thclr honor at St. Pat- riokra Cathollc Church, UoHcnry, aftcr whloh a brsakfest followcd for the lnuncdlato famlIy. ln cvoning roocptlor" was hold ln Chloago for 150 guests. Thc couplc rcsldc at 9OB l{. Rtvcr licad. thc photo on thc ncxt P88c ls that cf l[r. & l4re. Baurcls, taken flf'ty ycars e$O. 8TO6 8TO9 STOt P.IA. DAILY P.TI. FRIDAY P.TA. SUNDAY I I,i 9, E i 1r $,t