PUBLISHED EVERY TWO WEEKS ON WEDNESDAY Pictoriol Newsletter TEN GENTS PER GOPY oc?oBm g , 19 65 _ votIlME g, NEMBIII 3 McHENRY CO{!{UI[ITY HIGH ScEoOt Hs{ECcuINc octoBER L2, 1965 PICTORIAL REVIEW - PAST AND PRESENT ,hM tr .comcoomlng Ktng and Quccri Candldatcr - back rorv, Icft to rlghti Tom Blake, John Elokay, Yorn (Stomy) trramcr, Frcd f,usoh, Bon (nutotr) Ucyer and Ulkc ![oonan. Front row, lcft to rlght; tynne Blotrlngcr, Jcanntc Brtnlcnan, Jaanno Llptrot, I4rna Earfuann and Val Pttcrsoa. Thc klng and qu6cn wlII bc ohoscn at II F.f., Ootobor lzth. Thc paradc wtII bc hcld Frlday aftcrnoon, Oot. Ilth. Opponcnt for thc homeoorlng gamo t1ll be Crye tal Xrkc. Photo by Bob Ecndrtokr. rq$fi r!rril:iir i'* f,ii'i:.'*:-" l:i: i:t:; ::1..tuly:.fi4 : i i,r: ar.;; ::.1 ':! tl )i;4 ;' L:i :"1::1: $ l. ...,!:1 I ii.+ i.:tll L. i ,; lX,,? i:6*1tt i"3#F.Lffi&" #*o1 & :r i:1. ll:r: ffqr i I