4 a< PI CTORIAL-NEWSLETTER JAI'IUAItY 2 I , 19 64 TIOLIME B , MIhts ER 11 FAIR AND IMPARTIAL NEWS OF THE COMMUNITIES Ui{I TF;D. CEITEBF.AL PALSY KI CKCE'F DINbiE[t - TIUGE SUCOSSSI Rcoord Crowd of 400 Attond Dinno r Four hundrod of MoiIonry Countyrs f inost citizons holpod to kiok off the Ccrcbral, falsy 53 iriinute Liotherrs Llarch last Sun- d"y, by attonding tho organizationrs Kiaroff Dinnor wh!ah was hold at Marti- nottir s F(cstaurant. As rcports kcop ooming in, svoryonc Eocms to hava boon vcry Lraopy "rith tho vcry dclicious stoaks set bcforo thon all of them HOT and TENDEII. , Mr. & l,'irs. Gorald Hog;an of Yloodetook, Put on a fashion show, usinpl 20 models from ovcry oorncr of UtcHenry Cotlnty, which wae vicwed with groat int::rost. Fashlons nocl e lod w6 rc ba s ed on tho thomo of "'Around tlie lYorld in llv:nty Tlaystf', and oonsistsd of bathing suits, casual suits and drcssos, ovening wcar, fur trinurod suits, jcwelry snd othor sports attirc' Thq hit of the show soomod to bo thc appe ar enoc of niodo 1 No . I0A, a Mrs ' Nit't'anjack (non da plumo) who modelad ai)pereI which tqshould be in thc wardrobc f rowsy blonde hairdo aII dono up in ourlers, a piaaod togcther old 'batirrobe, tuzzy slippers, oigarette danglittg, eto. Sho vras a oonio aili iivoc up to tho role by putting tho wholo auciienac in convul- sivc Iaughtor. Sho carricc & phono and tho oouuiiontar v }od onc to bo }ievo that shc was orgenizing a func drivo. Vcry f'*nny piooo of matcria,l. Tho truo namc of tho moi o I of co urs 6 , is Mr." . kanrona Riobon of liicl{enry. Tho portion of tho progrsm put on by the loveIy Ann Varoso, was, Bs elways, vory cntortaining. Sho seng songs fro"L such shows as i'io1ly Brov.rn, Gyps)', OkIahoma, cto., with a vary origlnal bit of ohora- ography aooompanying the Gypsy nurnbor. Mrs. Varosa brought down tho houso with hor perfo nnanoc, and mado us all ProrrC that wo do ha'u'c so talcntcd an entor- tainer rosiding in our oounty. .tinycne wishing to join a now}1, formlng farr COI{TIN.}ED OI{ BACK CS.IET( l0 Cents Pcr C-qv Geo, R. 35t9 W. lusten & Son Funeral Home Elm Street "Across from ihe Bank" Phone EV 5-2400Ambulance EV 5-2400 RESCUE BREATHING EQUIPMENT Two-Way Radio Dispatched